Jesse Tuck (Tuck Everlasting)

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Like In the Heights, Tuck Everlasting is underrated! It is literally so good!

This takes place before the Tuck's meet Winnie :)

Also, Andrew-Keenan Bolger. That's literally all I have to say. He is a cutie.


I'm officially 17 and I'm spending the day with my best friend, Jesse Tuck (we know what's about to go down 0-0). Jesse had been gone for a while but he never told me why, this made me question his spontaneous arrival, did he just come back for my birthday? Will he be leaving again tomorrow? Jesse saw how confused I looked and spoke up,

"Hey, you ok? You look very confused," he chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just confused that's all. Why did you leave so suddenly and why are you back now? Will you be leaving tomorrow?" I repeated the questions, that were constantly going through my head, out loud.

"I can't tell you right now, but I promise I will explain everything once we get to the cabin."

As we walked to the cabin, a million questions wizzed through my head, I had no clue what he meant and why couldn't he just tell me now? Walking through the door to his cabin, Mae and Angus were there sitting at the table patiently, as I came into their view, Mae stood up and pulled me into a tight hug,

"Happy birthday, Y/N, I made you something," Mae said while grabbing a cake from the counter. Since Jesse went away, I had spent a lot of time at the Tuck's cabin because I've had nothing better to do and they were actually great company, I would go fishing with Angus and knit with Mae, it was fun, well I obviously didn't have as much fun as I would with Jesse but it was a different kind of fun (why did I repeat the word 'fun' so many times).

Just as we were all about to eat some of the cake, there was a knock at the door. Angus opened it and to my surprise it was Miles, Jesse's older brother, I'd met him once or twice but he left two month before Jesse. Did he and Jesse plan to both come back today or was this just a coincidence? Mae walked over to him and gave him a hug, like she did with me when I entered the cabin. We all talked for a bit while we ate some cake, then Jesse dragged me up to his room. When we sat down on his bed, he engulfed me into a hug, this was new, Jesse had only hugged me a couple of times but this made my heart flutter.

"Y/N, I really need to tell you something, I didn't realise Miles was coming home today so this is going to be a lot harder than I expected it to be, he knows I'm up to something, he's probably outside the door right now." I was honestly so confused but he knew this and gave me a reassuring smile, I loved his smile, it was contagious. He grabbed my hand and my heart started racing, he took me back downstairs, bumping into Miles as we got out of Jesse's room, he was right about Miles trying to overhear us, we raced out the door, he ran towards the tree we always climbed. Once we got to the top, he placed his hands in mine and told me the whole story about him and his family, how they will never die, I was in complete shock (I really couldn't be bothered to write it all),

"and that's the story of the Tucks. You don't hate me do you?" I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Of course I don't, I could never hate you, Jesse, I just wish you'd told me earlier, I wouldn't have had to question everything when you went away but it's fine. Why are you telling me now?" I was still very confused.

"I wanted to leave it until you turned 17 because I want to ask if maybe, you'd consider drinking from the spring and running away with me?" He looked at me with big eyes, I could tell he was desperate.

"Jesse, I don't know, I know I'm not leaving behind a lot but it's such a big change and-" He cut me off by kissing me, it was short and sweet but it felt amazing.

"Please Y/N, I know that it's your choice but I've been alone for so long and I love you so much, I can't leave you again," he chocked back the tears.

"I'll drink from the spring and I will go with you, I love you too Jesse," as soon as I said those words, his lips were back on mine, this time more passionate. I felt the tears rushing down his cheeks, I wiped them away quickly with my thumb. We practically jumped down from the tree (I do not recommend you do this, I just didn't know what else to write). Once we got down, he led the way to the spring and gathered some of the water into a vial.

"Ready to live forever?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

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