Chapter 14- Escape

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She returned to the corridor with a hangar nearby. There must be an external door at the end; she rushed along the corridor, momentarily forgetting to be quiet, but as predicted, an external door to the outside was ahead. Rey headed towards it, but it wouldn't open. She could really use a droid right now; she'd have to do it the long way. Opening a panel in the wall next to the door, she viewed the wires, looking for the ones that controlled the door. It wasn't long till she found what she was looking for and pulled out the switch that would release the door. A second set of blast doors swung shut over the first. She sighed; wrong switches. She replaced the controller, and the doors swung back into place hidden within the walls. She closed her eyes for a moment and told herself to stop panicking and focus on the task. She found another switch for the door, and this time, the door opened with a rush of freezing air. She smiled and, without hesitating, fled out into the darkness. The flurries that filled the night sky were cold, and the ground beneath her boots seemed hard but slippery. She could feel an icy coldness seeping through her boots. Ahead, through the white-flecked darkness, she could see trees and spying no one about; she headed in that direction to hide.

Kylo marched along the corridors with several stormtroopers, "She's going to try and escape or steal a ship, search the hangars."

The troopers marched off, and Kylo paused; he'd find her quicker using the Force. He reached out, searching as he headed in the direction of a nearby hangar. He could feel her close, closer, but not here. He reached further, sensing something and turned his head to look out the hangar's doors. As usual, the view out the hangar was white-speckled darkness, the darker outline of trees barely visible just beyond the doors- there, she'd gotten outside, impressive. Kylo took the most direct path, straight through the hangar. Pilots, mechanics and technicians stepped briskly but respectfully out of his way, muttering 'Sir' at him as he headed for the edge of the hangar. He stood just outside the hangar, the wind blowing mercilessly at him as he surveyed the landscape, searching for her. The surface of Starkiller Base was spectacular and mean in its temperature variance ranging from cold to artic. It no longer resembled the planet it had been. Its valleys and glaciers were hacked to make way for hangers and tunnels. Kylo walked across the mountainous, snowy landscape towards the small forest that still clung to life. His robes whipped about him, and despite being both helmeted and hooded, flakes of snow fell within his clothing, melting on his skin. The icy conditions did not bother him. Snoke's teaching over the years had trained his body to endure. Blistering heat, freezing ice lands, sand, snow, humid jungles and damp swamps; within the Force, such atmospheric and landscape changes bore no impact upon him. He found himself considering how Rey in her desert wraps could cope; she was out here, and he'd need to find her before she froze to death, attempting to elude him. He removed his lightsaber from his belt, ignited it and stalked forward, sensing his prey was close. It was even darker among the woodland, the light from the hangar not stretching beyond the treeline. The immediate forest and snow on the ground reflected red in the light of his blade. The dim red glow that lit his way wasn't powerful enough to see clearly, and the beam's light spat as flakes of snow sizzled on, hitting the fiery bolt, despite that he could just make out shallow footprints.

"Rey!" he shouted into the blustery cold. "You cannot hide, not from me."

Kylo stepped around a tree and saw Rey as she jumped out from behind a rock blaster in hand.

"Don't come any closer, I'll shoot," she warned as she stepped unsteadily backwards.

Kylo took several long strides in her direction, unperturbed by the blaster in her hand. She let off a few laser blasts with surprising accuracy, but Kylo had anticipated her and deflected them with ease, his lightsaber catching each shot with a graceful swing. Through his helmet, he surveyed her, considering if she would fire again. She was shivering, her body shaking uncontrollably, and he sensed it wasn't merely from the cold. She was terrified—terrified of him, of this situation, and of what would happen if he should succeed.

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