Chapter 33

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Seth POV:

I feel excited as I sit through the graduation practice which comprises the principle of explaining to us the rules, dress code, and the way everything will happen tonight. My little group is not listening to any of it, but rather talking about the summer vacation.

"So you're going to marry this summer?" Xavier asks, just as surprised as Kofi had been last night when I called and told him about what happened at dinner.

"Yeah, Dean promised me that he will take care of everything." I blush a little at the mention of my love and grin almost ear to ear, not wanting to catch by the principal.

"That's so cool! But everyone would tell this exact thing to marry someone." Kevin says a little loudly, and it makes the principal hush us immediately.

I haven't spoken to anyone after that and think about the moment with Dean last night. I don't know what I want to do now. I love Dean, but I'm not sure marrying him soon is such a wonderful idea or not. How can I be able to play a role in college, business, and damn husband of him in the house?

"I bet by the end of summer, a bump is shown on Seth's stomach. While he is going to college, his child will go to school." Big E laughs and claps his hand with Kofi. He has a point and I remember the words Dean has told me on the day in school.

I place my hand on my stomach and get scared of that thought. I haven't thought about this before. I can't be a professional adult like my dad if this shit happens. My dream will spoil and make others laugh at me if the words spill out of my friends is true.

"Awe, maybe our innocent little Seth won't be so innocent when he comes back to us," Xavier says and makes others burst out in laughter.

"Oh, stop it guys, leave him alone," Kevin says and stops them playing with me.

I haven't wait any longer to hear their words so I get up from the chair and leave when the principal tells us we can leave for the rest of the day. I try to change my mind and think about graduation, but I can't because I'm too enveloped by their words.

Finally, the graduation night comes and makes me stand in the line for succession in my cap and gown. While everyone walking out to take their seats, I scan the stands and smile at Dean and our family who are sitting there.

They give me an encouraging smile and wave a hand at me. I sign and sit in my alphabetically assign seat, away from all my friends. I wait patiently for my name to be called so I can walk across the stage to get the paper I've worked for.

It is getting closer and I can hear the names being called slowly until they reach the R. Finally, they call my name and I stand up from the chair excited to turn around to see my family.

They show me a thumbs up, but Dean blows me a kiss and makes me blush. I manage to drag my eyes away from them as I go to the stage, getting my diploma. I return to the seat and wait for the ceremony to be over, which takes 20 more minutes.

Once the caps are thrown and we are announced as graduating, my family attacks me, and Dean picking me up in a swooping hug. "You did it, pup! Finally, high school is over for you!" He yells in happiness.

I smile as I set down on my feet, only to be hugged by everyone else. Just as I'm starting to express my happiness, my friends come up laughing. "Seth, our parents want to go to dinner, wanna come with us?" Kofi asks, wanting to celebrate the moment with me.

Before I open my mouth to say something, I feel an arm around my shoulders followed by Dean's voice. "Sorry kid, he's all mine tonight." He says to my friends and makes them grin at me. I roll my eyes when they signal me to call them later to talk about tonight's special.

Before I know what we are doing, he grabs my hand and takes me to his car. He blindfolds my eyes and starts the car slowly. His slow drive making me irritated and want me to know where he takes me.

"Where the fuck we are going?" I move my hand up to my face and play with the blindfold.

"I told you-" He slaps my hand away from the blindfold. "It's a surprise. Stop trying to peek."

"It's not suspicious at all to be driving down the highway with a graduated boy blindfold in your passenger seat." I grump, squirming in the seat.

He lets out a low chuckle and pokes my nose, "If the cops pull us over, I'll explain it to them."

"And then you'll be arrested for kidnapping," I say dramatically.

"I'm not kidnapping you. I've made plans for the day. Plans that I don't want you to know about." He says and leans down to press a kiss on my cheek.

"Isn't that the definition of kidnapping?" I ask, pulling at the blindfold again and making him annoyed. I stay quiet a little and lean back on the headrest because I trust him. If it was anyone else, I would claw at the windows to escape.

I like to have some idea of what lay ahead. I alert all my senses to gather the evidence that he doesn't mind clearing away. I've no doubt in him giving me the best romantic surprise.

"Alright, we're here. You-" He points sternly, even if I can't see anything. "Stay here. I'll come and get you when I'm ready."

I open my mouth to protest, but he closes it with his fingers under my chin. "Seriously, just wait." I hear his voice and feel his lips on my temple before hearing the sound of the car door closing.

"Fine." I scowl and slump against the doorframe, scraping my fingernails on my thigh. I can hear birds creeping out the open window and feel a salty air around me so I guess we are probably at the ocean.

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