Chapter 10

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Seth POV:

I look up at the building which is in front of me. I am confused about why Dean takes me here to this Cambridge Optometry. He grabs my hand to take me inside but I place my hand on him, "Why are you taking me here?"

He looks over at me briefly with a smile on his face, "Once you get there, you will find out why I am taking you here." He brings my hand to his lips and kisses the back of it.

I pull my hand away from him and rub it where he kissed. He looks at me amused and pulls me against him, "Will you rub it wherever I kiss you?"

"Yeah, now I just rub the place wherever you kiss me but soon I will erase you from my life." I give him a look and show my attitude.

"Your wish." He smiles but I look away. Before I realize, he pulls me into a kiss. I am shocked when I feel a pair of lips pressing against mine and I can barely smell smoke from him.

I push him away and look at him unbelievably. "Now you rub where I kissed, pup." He smirks and grabs my hand and takes me inside the hospital forcefully.

He calls some nurse and lets me with her. Panic starts to rush inside me because I don't know why he takes me here. I want to go to my parents and tell them what he did. They would start to panic for not I'm reaching home yet.

Dean POV:

After I let my pup with that nurse, I take my phone out and call Seth's dad to tell him that he doesn't need to worry about his son. I hang up the phone and sit on the chair as I wait for my pup.

I look up when I notice a pair of legs in front of me and know who is this. I have no words to describe how beautiful my pup is. I'm glad because finally, I can see the chocolate brown orbs without any glasses.

The chocolate brown orbs look like a grape in the milk. It blinks at me cutely and it makes me want to touch his eyelashes when it blinks and feel it under my fingers.

I don't know how I am going to sleep after I see this beautiful and it is difficult for me not to fantasize or dream about him with me. Even it is hard for me to stay away from him until he reaches 18.

His hands are disturbing me from seeing his beautiful brown orbs. I give him a look when he rubs his eyes and tries to get the contacts out. I grab his hand and stop him from doing that.

"Don't do that, pup. It will be fine once you get used to this." I let his hand and place my hand on his cheek and look into his brown orbs. I will spend my life looking into his beautiful eyes.

My eyes are locked onto his as our faces are finally centimeters apart. I can feel his breath against mine when I look at his lips. There I just give him a small peck, now I want to taste his lips.

When I lean to kiss him, he pushes me away and makes his way outside. I follow behind him frustratedly and he steps into my car. I sigh and get into the driver seat before look at his pouty face.

I grab his hand and tilt his head up to look at me, "Don't worry, I'll drop you in your house within 15 minutes."

He nods and moves away to lean his head against the window. I know he is tensed and worried because of the kiss and this whole drama thing. But what can I do?

He needs to know everything before our marriage and he needs to know about me. If I let him free or stay away from him because of his age, maybe I will lose him. I don't want that to happen to me.

I start the car and drive to his place as I glance at him every two minutes. He grabs my hand and stops me when we reach the same place where I dropped him that day. I smirk at him and drive the car further into the street.

"Hey, where are you going? Just stop the car.." He yells and starts to twist the door handle. Thankfully I locked the door already so I don't need to worry that he will fall out.

"Your exact place, pup!" When I say that, he looks at me with wide eyes. He doesn't know I got his every detail this morning by spending some money.

A few minutes later, I stop the car near his house and he gets out of the car with his bag. He mumbles, "Thanks."

I blow a kiss to him when he turns to look at me. He quickly opens his house door and enters the house then I sigh and drive the car to my house.

Seth POV:

I throw the bag on the couch once I enter the house and go to my mom. She comes to me and kisses me on my cheek. When she moves away from me, she notices the difference in my face.

She places her hand on my cheek, "Baby, where are your glasses?"

"Mom, that Ambrose took me to a hospital and set me these contacts." I point my contacts to her. I don't like to wear this, especially not with other's money. I am comfortable with my glasses.

"It's nice, baby. You look very cute." She pinches my cheek. I didn't expect this from her. I thought she would mad at Dean for doing this but she simply said that it is nice.

"Mom, did you tell dad about Dean?" I ask hopefully and believe my dad would talk to his friend about his son.

She pulls me to the couch and makes me sit on it. I look at her confused when she grabs my hand and rubs the back of it. I place my hand on her, "Mom, did you tell this?"

"Yeah.. I told your dad and he told that his friend wishes you to be his son-in-law so his son takes care of you. Your dad and I also feel this will be good for your life." When I hear that from her mouth, I feel shattered. I can't believe what she said.

I want to be a successful, professional adult when I reach 18 but my parents already decided to give me into Dean's hands like I'm such a doll before my life starts.

I try to convince her by grabbing her hand, "Mom, I don't want this. You know I want-" She cuts me off and says, "Baby, you know we will do what is best for you!"

I have no way to talk my point of view to her because they already made a decision. I don't have anything to talk to her so I just grab my bag and make my way upstairs to my room.

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