Chapter 14

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Dean POV:

A small smirk tugs at my lips as I glance at my pup. He has to overexcited for our romantic dinner instead of focuses on the road mindlessly. I let my hand creeps up on his thigh as I watch him with a bit of intention.

He jumps and his dark, narrowed brown eyes suddenly turn towards me with irritation. "What do you want? Why are you torturing me?"

Even in the darkness of a night road trip, I can tell how much he is angry at me but it's all because of his fear. He fears what I'm going to do. I smile as I wrap my arm around his shoulder and lean against him, "I want you.. only you. If you start to love me, it won't be torture for you. Otherwise, you have mistaken my love as torture."

"Love won't come by someone's force. You know that?" He says and tries to remove my arm from him but I hold him even tightly until he gives up.

I nod, "Of course, I know. So why don't you try to love me?" I ask, unable to keep myself from reaching toward his hair to tug at it playfully.

He shakes his head and turns towards the window to watch outside. I huff in defeat and try to concentrate on the road but I couldn't. How can I concentrate on the road when this beautiful is with me?

His shoulders slouch down slightly when I let his hair and start to casually scratch down his side, towards the nape of his neck. "Gonna fall asleep if you keep doing that," He says and slaps my hand.

After a few minutes, I hear him saying, "I won't fall for you even if you take me somewhere fancy. I don't like fancy restaurants and I don't like you." I chuckle, turning the radio on and hum the songs under my breath as I drive.

I can see him glaring at me the whole time but I didn't give any shit. I stop the car and park it in front of a small restaurant instead of going to some fancy restaurant because he told me that he doesn't like fancy restaurants.

I pat his thigh when I see him slump on the seat. He looks at me confused but I get out of the car to open his passenger door for him. "Come on, pup. It's not a fancy restaurant you don't like. It's some small restaurant so why don't you come out and get some coffee and fries with me?"

"Are you letting me free if I don't?" He asks in return as he crosses his arms.

"Nah," I smile and grab his hand and pull him out of the car.

"Fuck you," He says in annoyance but I ignore his protest and take him inside of the restaurant. He should thank me for I let him in his way and take him to this cheap restaurant but he always annoys me for everything.

He doesn't know that I will keep this up for only one thing. That is for my dad's reputation. If he is in the legal age, I would have shown my way to him but now I can't. If he loves me before he reaches his legal age, it's good for him and our love life.

Once we take our seats by the bar, I wink at him, "I'll make you think about me the whole time before we leave this place, you'll see." 

With a roll of his eyes, he turns around to see the small diner, ignoring me. When the waitress comes to take our orders, he orders some cheap foods before me. I shake my head and lean against the chair as I look at him. 

After a few minutes, the waitress returns with our orders. The coffee is strong, it smells good, and the hot sandwiches and fries are homemade and delicious. Not bad as much as I thought. 

I glare at Seth as I sit on some unstable high stools because he makes some small, animated conversation with the middle-aged waitress without thinking that I'm here for him. 

I plant my feet on the floor and stand up silently not to show the irritation on my face but he notices me and smirks at me before continuing his conversation with the waitress. 

I won't let him win in our small pup's play. While a half slump on my stool, I notice a glimpse of his boxers and a tan skin under black jeans that hangs a bit too low on him make my jeans suddenly tighter. 

"Can we have two more coffees?" I ask the lady with a smile, watching her nod and turn around to prepare them. Biting my lip to avoid snickering, I couldn't help myself after taking another look at my pup's back. 

A loud smack resounds throughout the establishment and he curses a loud 'Fuck!', jumping off the stool to my amusement. The lady turns around and shots us a perplexed look but says nothing, probably used to weirder situations. 

My pup glares at me, grimacing as he rubs his butt. "Did you just slap my ass?" He hisses between his teeth. 

I cackle at his embarrassment, discretely shaking my hand as it stings. "Actually, I firmly grasped it." It is his punishment for ignoring me and teasing me. It is always fun to leer at him and make him uncomfortable. 

He curses under his breath as he makes his way to the door. I shrug and chuckle, pouting to the waitress ridiculously and making her giggle. Once I pay the bill, I leave the diner, lighting up a cigarette on my way to the car. 

I see my pup in the passenger seat and he seems to enjoy the night breeze, sitting with his eyes closed and the windows rolled down. I open the car door and enter the driver seat but he doesn't turn to look at me. 

I lean into the window, keeping the cigarette outside. I move closer to him and blow a mix of warm breath and smoke against his neck. He opens his eyes and pushes me away, "What are you doing?" 

He glares at me as he rubs the side of his neck. "Don't do that ever again. I don't like this." He crinkles his nose and points the cigarette in my hand. 

"Okay, I won't use anything which you don't like but I need something to keep myself away from this." I smile and throw the cigarette away. 

"What?" He asks as he crosses his arms. I lean forward and lick a playful trail on his neck that spread goosebumps on its way towards his ear and end up press a gentle kiss behind his earlobe. 

He shivers under my light touch and pushes me away from him. I smirk as I look at him and blow a kiss to him before starting the car to his house.

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