Chapter 27

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Seth POV:

I sit on the roof alone and stare at the stars as I think about everything that happened today. Uncle Rock and his wife treated me well with Dean. They made sure I was happy as they took care of me.

As much as I like this, my mind telling me not to fall for this fancy shit. I don't know what to do. I don't know what is important to my life. I sigh and lean against the building with my right knee up and my arm balanced against it.

"Two months.." I mutter to no one in particular as I think about the school days that I have left.

"I think you don't care for my little saying." The voice makes me jump and gets me out of thoughts. I look over and see Uncle Rock leaning against the entryway. He crosses his arms over his chest as he leans against the door.

"Are you mad at me for telling everyone that you're my son-in-law?" He asks, pulling himself away from the doorway and coming to me.

I look down at the concrete and shake my head, "No.. I just thinking." I feel this answer is safe for both of us. I don't want him to worry about his decision.

He sits beside me and cautiously grabs my hand, "I know you're lying to me." He sighs and rubs my knuckles softly, "I wouldn't have told others that you're my son-in-law if you have no interest in my son. I know you love him but something is bothering you!"

I look at him in the eyes, not knowing what to tell. He is right. I can feel the love in myself for Dean, but something is bothering me. I don't know whether it's my inability to do anything before I get married.

"I-" I start to talk to him what's on my mind but he holds his hand out and says, "You should tell what's on your mind to Dean, not me. The bond between you and him will get stronger if you share things with him." He pats my back and gets up from the roof.

I watch him going and look down, thinking about his words. I look at him again when he says, "It's getting cold outside so come inside soon."

I nod and stay here a few minutes before jumping off the roof to go inside. I go to the guest room which is mine for a few days and lay on the bed on my stomach. I close my eyes and try to sleep, but I can't with so many thoughts in my mind.

I get up from the bed and walk down the stairs to go outside. I look over the swimming pool and lay back on the concrete with one leg curls underneath me and the other drag lazily through the water, letting the cool chill raced up and down my body.

The only reason I am lying out here at two in the morning instead of sleeping on the bed is, I try to calm my mind with the stars and the sound of lapping water and the cicadas singing at night.

I feel the air is nippy with what my t-shirt being hiked up a little in the back. My bare skin pressed flush against the concrete edge as the water gets cooled around my leg.

I close my eyes and heave a sigh, feeling a little calm inside me. Suddenly I feel someone is here so I open my eyes and get tensed. My heart skips a beat when I look up into a pair of blue eyes hovering unblinkingly over me. My body fails me, just freezes, like a deer caught in headlights.

"Cool... I thought you were dead." Dean says with a small smile on his face.

I let out a breath finally as I find my voice, "What are you doing here?" It comes out like a bit of a croak.

He doesn't move from above me, shifting the weight on his elbows slightly. He is lying on his stomach, leaning over me so he is a kind of upside down. He shrugs, "I saw you out here and thought someone has murdered my pup."

I roll my eyes and hit his chest playfully, "Fuck off." I haven't attempted to sit up and leave, probably because he is still hovering over me.

"My heart tells my pup is suffering from something, so what it is?" He asks, playing with my hair. I recall what Uncle Rock said earlier and try to encourage myself to spill what's on my mind to Dean. I look at him in the eyes and say, "I'm getting scared of loving you!"

"What?" His smile fades as his eyes look at me with a blank expression. He is staring down at me with an unreadable gaze.

"I-I have dreamed of being a professional adult like my dad since I was a kid. Now I'm scaring of my inability to do nothing." I spill out and feel lightheaded.

"It's not a big deal, pup! You still have ages to become a professional adult so don't worry, I'll be with you in everything." He reassures me.

"I have no doubt in your love but how can I become a professional when I get married?" I swallow roughly, not knowing what he will think.

"Who told you can't become a professional after you get married?" He asks casually. "I'll make your every wish true because you're my pup and I have the responsibility to bring your dreams in front of you!" He says and leans down to press a kiss on my forehead.

I smile and stare at him as his gaze wanders from my eyes to rest just below my face. He brings his finger to my face and traces from my eyelids to my throat. "You should get a tattoo here," He says absently as he reaches out and tugs away the collar of my t-shirt, tapping his finger against my collarbone.

I don't remove my hands from underneath my head to swat his hands away. I just continue to stare at him even though he isn't even looking back at me.

"I guess I know why you're here now so I don't need to ask about it." He shrugs. "I went to your room to see you and get tensed when you were not there. My heart returns to its beat as I saw you here." He says, still tapping out a rhythm against my collarbone.

"Really?!" I ask playfully.

"What?" He asks without getting a hint.

"Did your heart return to its beat as you saw me?" I ask and tuck his messy blonde out of his eyes.

"Yeah.." He kisses my nose and finally moves from over me, rolling to his right and out of my peripheral vision.

I can hear him messing with the water as I look up at the sky. I make a shrieking squeal when I feel cold hands around my ankles, fingers working its way under the back of my knees and pulling me, is astounding.

I make it worse, sitting up too quickly and providing Dean with the momentum to help him drag me into the water with him. Sopping wet now, I hit him in the chest, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

He raises an eyebrow at me, "You want the definitive list or the brief history?"

"I don't want to hear from you to know about you. I'll learn about you on myself." I say proudly and splash the water at him.

"I like it, pup." He smirks and pulls me with him, "Just swim with me. I promise I won't drown you."

I pull myself away from him and cross my arms over my chest, "Why do I want to swim with you?"

He swims in lazy circles around the length of the pool and yells, "Because you love me!" He then dips underwater and I follow the shimmery outline of his body as I swim in the opposite direction.

I float on the surface of the water until I feel my skin turning wrinkled in the water and get a little surprised when I don't fight with the arms that are wrapped around my waist. I hear a humming in my ear underneath me as Dean nips at the juncture between my neck and shoulder, making comically exaggerated chewing sounds under his breath.

"Got you," He murmurs into my ear and pulls me with him towards the edge of the pool, humming some tuneless song. He stops humming and holds me with my back, pressing flush against his chest.

I lean against him and look up at the sky, feeling comfortable. I feel like I'm in a home. Now I understand what is important to my life. Dean! If he stays with me, I can achieve anything.

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