Chapter 2

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Seth POV:

"Seth! Seth!" 

I groan from the sleep and rub my eyes when my mom shouts from downstairs. I roll back and lay on the bed flatly on my stomach with half of the covers on me, snoring away until she walks into my room.

I groan at the bright sun that is shining on my face when she opens the curtains, allowing the bright sun to light up the entire room. "Come on, baby. Time to wake up!" She sits on the edge of the bed and rubs my back.

When I open my eyes and wake up from my peaceful sleep, I see my mom's smiling face in front of me. "You are going to miss your favorite breakfast that I have made for you. Better get it before you get late for your first day in school!" She says, getting up from the bed and leaves the room.

I eventually drag myself out of the bed, heading straight towards the shower. Once I am showered, I dress in my favorite band t-shirt, skinny jeans and a hoodie on.

I pack up my books on my bag and look around the room once again to check everything is clear. I sigh myself before leaving my room and step into the stairs.

When I reach downstairs, I can smell eggs, bacon, French toast, and a yogurt parfait. I smile and hug my mom from behind when she arranges the dining table, "Good morning, mom."

She turns around and kisses my cheek, "Good morning, honey. Just sit here and eat your breakfast." She makes me sit on the chair and places a plate of food in front of me.

When I am eating the food, my dad joins with us. "Finally, you wake up. Just eat fast then I'll take you to your school." He says, before placing the file on the table and eat his food.

I take a bite of my scrambled eggs and look up at him, "Dad, are you going to find a job?"

"No, baby. I already talked to my old friend Johnson, who is a top businessmen in this country. He promised me that he will give me a job in his company." He says and eats his breakfast.

"That's good, babe." My mom smiles as she reaches for her orange juice. I continue to eat my breakfast while looking up at my watch.

Thirty minutes later, my dad drops the car in front of my new school. I kiss his cheek before get out of the car and wave a hand at him. When I am about to leave, he calls me and says, "Baby, I'll pick you up when the school is over so you don't need to travel in train to reach home."

I nod and then go to my school. I'm thankful to God for giving me such wonderful parents in my life to take care of me.

Dean POV:


I groan as I push my head further into the pillow while holding my hand out to crash the alarm. "Oops!" I open my eyes slowly and look at the broken alarm on the floor.

Another broken alarm to the collection!

When I try to close my eyes again, I hear my phone rings. I take my phone from the bedside table and look over it, I see dozens of messages and calls from my dad.

"Shit!" I mumble as I look over the contact list and call my dad. I close my eyes and place the phone over my ear as I lay on my side and wait for my dad to pick up the call.

After a few more rings, he picks up the call and answers, "Thank God, you finally woke up?"

"You know I am exhausted from the last night party. Why dad? Is anything important?" I try to ask in a concerned tone. If my dad tells me to do any work now then I'm definitely sure, I can't do that even if it is very important.

"I want you to go to our office before 10.00 AM to meet my friend Lopez and give him a job."

"I can't do that, dad. Now, I'm really tired. If you want, I'll meet him at 4.00 PM for you!" I say and think if I have any important schedule at that time.

"Hmm.. okay. At least you accepted to go. I'll tell him to meet you at that time so don't forget to go. Okay, bye."

Before he hangs up, I stop him and say, "Arrange some servants for the home to help me."

"Again I want to search servants for you." I hear him takes a deep breath and sighs, "That's fine. I'll arrange it."

I smile, "Love you, dad." I hang up the phone and throw it on the bed then pull the blanket over myself and drift into sleep.

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