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Mohan kept falling asleep on and off throughout the day, due to the sedative effect of the medicine or simply, the exhaustion. He didn't resist it since he no longer needed to be on high alert: Guru and his Papa were there.  

Arvind was as ineloquent as ever, but the concern was quite visible in his actions. He would be at his side always, albeit with his laptop on at times, but with his attention focussed solely on Mohan. A slight twitch of his body and Arvind would be surveying him out of the corner of his eye, ensuring he was not in any discomfort. Mohan would sigh once or twice deliberately, just to relish in his father's concern.  

He did have ache all over the left side of his body, but it was not so profound. The doctor had also assured that he would be discharged by evening. Guru had talked with Prateek and had managed to send Mohan's recording devices to him for retrieving the data, just as Mohan instructed during one of his waking hours. He had also asked around about the formalities to be done before resignation of their jobs at the University. Since they were taken on temporary basis, they could walk off as soon as they got replacement. Till then, they had to be in the campus. Mohan felt that it was actually a blessing in disguise: the gang would certainly doubt him if he disappeared all at once.  

He had just finished his lunch when Alex entered the room in his uniform. Showing no signs of previous acquaintance, he ordered everyone out so that he could question Mohan regarding the accident. Arvind tried to reason, but Alex insisted gravely. Reluctantly, he obeyed. 

Once everyone exited, Alex bolted the door and returned to Mohan's bedside. 

"Sorry. You know, even walls have ears. Can't let anyone suspect that we are on the same side." He reasoned. 

"Guessed that." Mohan nodded understandingly. "So, did you know about the last day's party?" 

"Of course." Alex replied as he pulled the chair which looked quite fragile for his big frame and sat on it, disregarding its squeak against the tiled floor in protest. "We too had someone there. He mentioned getting you out of a fix with the guards outside the hall."  

"What?! You mean to say Rex is your man?" Mohan was stunned. 

"My lips are sealed, Mohan. Hope you understand." Alex replied apologetically. "We, a very small number of officers in our team, made the pact about three years back." 

"Three years!" Mohan was taken aback. "Then why are these people not behind the bars yet?"  

"Because we are yet to find the root cause. He has still not risen in ranks enough to meet the topmost ones. Once he does, we'll spin the web and catch them all together." Alex explained.  

"Did he know from the beginning about my identity?" Mohan asked, still awestruck.  

"Yes. But he couldn't be soft towards you, obviously. Nevertheless he had an eye on you in case you landed in trouble. Remember your first meeting with them? You fell on the way back, didn't you? He was about to help, but then saw a particular friend of yours carrying you back to her quarters and deemed you safe enough." Alex said with a knowing smile. 

Mohan felt his cheeks getting hot, but quickly focussed his mind onto the more serious matter.  

"How is it that he fights the addiction and keeps himself safe?" He wondered. 

"You see, Alex is a chemistry post graduate and a quite accomplished one in the labs. He is involved in the production department of the gang and has gained the reputation of being the brainy, intimidating one. So, no one questions if he sits too long with a pen and paper, solving equations instead of using drugs." 

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