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Mohan received a call that morning from his friend Alex in Police Dept, asking to meet him for lunch outside that day itself to discuss about the fingerprint test results. Mohan reached the beach-side restaurant he suggested early and sat under one of the huge white umbrellas providing only a little relief from the bright, one o'clock sun.

He didn't have to wait much; Alex arrived in two minutes wearing a casual shirt and trousers, not his uniform. He was a tall and bulky man with well proportioned and fit body. His beady intelligent eyes scanned the tables in swift motion. On noticing Mohan, he walked over to him and sat down at the table.

"All samples match." He said curtly, without any preamble.

"That's great!" Mohan replied enthusiastically.

"But there are still three-four unidentified prints on packets." Alex said, dousing Mohan's enthusiasm.

Alex gestured a nearby waiter and gave the order for lunch as Mohan fell into deep thought.

Guru had managed to procure objects like spoons, tumblers etc. from the canteen used by each suspected gang member and Mohan had sent them labelled along with the drug packets he had discovered to Alex, who promised to cross-check the prints. If Alex is saying that there are more unidentified prints, then it means there are more members unknown to them....

"Be practical, Mohan. You can't catch each and every drug user in the campus. You've got this much proof, haven't you? Wrap up all this and report to your Editor." Alex advised on seeing Mohan's troubled expression.

"I may not be able to catch everyone, Alex. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't try." Mohan replied determinedly.

"But why? You could end this hard life and be at your home-town, enjoying your Mother's home-made food." Alex asked incredulously.

Right then, the waiter arrived with a food-laden tray and assembled everything neatly in front of them. Once he left, Mohan spoke again:

"Have you thought what will happen to the escaped ones once the rest are caught? They may escape the law, but they won't escape addiction. If some other sane person finds out about them, they may be put to de-addiction centre. But if they are undetected, they'll somehow find another gang for supplies and keep on using drugs. And if they don't manage to find a new gang and new supplies, they may go insane and even suicidal. That is why I'm trying to find each and every person involved with this gang, Alex." Mohan explained.

"Still all noble, huh? Happy to know you haven't changed." Alex gave him a half-smile before taking another mouthful of rice.

"No need to praise me, mate. I will pay the bill even if you don't praise me." Mohan teased back.

Both friends shared a laugh and finished the food in ten minutes. As promised, Mohan payed the bill and the two of them exited the restaurant.

"So, how long will you be here, then?" Alex asked they walked to the parking space.

"At least three more weeks, I guess." Mohan replied after thinking for a while.

"Then find a way to get in good terms with the girls there." Alex suggested as he wore his helmet and got onto his bike.

"What?!" Mohan exclaimed.

Alex looked at him straight in the eye and replied quite seriously:

"Because the rest of the three unidentified prints belong to 21-22 year old females."

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