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"umm nothing" i lie. she grabs my phone. "oh my god what is this?" she asks. i look don guiltily. "you've been bullying trey?" she asks. " it's not bullying it's pay back" i cross my arms. "honey i know how you feel but fighting fire with fire is not gonna help at all. it can make things worse.. for both of you." she says. i sigh. "look i know he hurt you but hurting him back.. things can get terrible he could become depressed, it can lead to so many disasters" she says. i nod. "you need to tell him" she says. "what no way" i answer. she gives me a stern look. "do you know what he will do to me?" i say. "honey you do it or i will" she says. i sigh. "fine" i groan. she leaves with my phone. how am i going to tell him. oh by the way you know those texts you've been getting yah their from me. hell to the no. i walk back out and order my food the whole time we were eating, mom is silent.

"um trey? you busy?" i ask nervously he looks up at me. "what do you want" he asks. i stand infront of him. here we go. "um you know the video that made carter mad?and all the texts you've been gettings" i ask. he nods. " um well ikindasentittoher" i say really fast. "slow down" he says i take a deep breathe. "i kinda..sent it to her... and i sent those texts to you" i say. "WHAT??" he yells making me flinch. he pushes me against the wall. " im sorry" i say quietly. "sorry? all my friends hate me now" he says. "not a good feeling when it's you huh" i say. his eyes soften a bit. "why? why would you do that" he asks. "why would you? my whole school life since year 7 has been hell because of you. you anytime i talked to other people especially guys you'd call me a slut and make sure they hated me too. all the girls hate me too because they like you and want to make you happy so why would.." im suddenly cut off by soft lips colliding with mine. i softly close my eyes and kiss back. the kiss makes my heart beat 50 thousand times faster and send chills down my body. when i open them trey and i are just starring at each other. "thats why" he says. he lets me go. "i- i dont understand" i say. did he trey latimore just kiss me? " look i am a very jealous person ok? when i saw you talking to those guys and knowing almost all of them liked you i got jealous and blamed it on you. i dint mean to take all your friends away. and i didnt want you to know i liked you so i started bullying you.. im so sorry and i completely understand why you bullied me. i wanted you to like me but instead i made you hate me" he says. i just stand there. taking it all in. "say something" he says. "i dont know what to say" i say. he comes back closer and takes my hand. "all i want right now is for us to have a fresh start" he says. "forget about the past. just... please forgive me that all i want" he says. i nod. his smile appears. he never actually properly smiled at me before. next thing you know his arms are around me and we're kissing again. this time i smile. "um can we just.. take it slowly?" i ask. he nods. seriously we both know we are kidding our selfs. i cant just be friends after this. his arms rest around my waist as i take in what just happened. so all this time it was because he was jealous of all the guys and he liked me?. me and my mom are more alike than i thought. " im so sorry riley" trey whispers in my hair as he hugs me. this is so weird i feel safe for once with him. i look up at him and smile slightly. "you are so adorable you know that?" he asks. "ive been told" i smile back. i hear the door open as we turn to see who it is mr latimore shows up. "what's going on here?" he asks. "nothing" we both say at the same time. he nods. "well concert starts in an hour so the grown ups are going out for bit" he says. we both nod. he leaves. i decide to go look for the others. as im walking to the door i feel arms snake around me waist again. "where are you going" he smiles at me. "im going to find the others wanna come?" i ask. he nods. "just give me a minute" he says and kisses me cheek. he disappears behind the curtins and comes back with is phone and wallet. he takes my hand and we go into the stadium i spot romeo flirting with some fans. i laugh to my self and walk over. "hey romy" i smile letting go of trey's hand. "hey sis" he smiles. "now how did they get in here" i ask with fake curiosity he smiles and winks. "oh my god that's trey latimore" one of 4 girls squeal. the voice in my head just says back off he's mine. "sorry ladies but im taken" trey smile secretly looking down at me. i feel my cheeks heat up as the girls groan. "um have you seen jake and raven?" i ask. romeo shakes his head. "no but we were thinking of ditching the concert tonight and have a pizza party at the bus" he says. "i love pizza ok" i say. he glares at trey. i sigh. "do you girls mind i wanna have a privet talk with my brother" i say. some of them roll they're eyes. "i can kick you out of this stadium and make sure you cant come to the concert so dont roll your eyes at me" i say making trey chuckle. they walk away. "ok look .. don't be mad at trey ok? he didn't do anything. i accidentally tripped and tried to hang on to him so i didn't fall but he fell too.. i promise it's the truth" i say. he looks at me for bit then shrugs. "ok" he says. i smile. we start walking away

"ok you 2 have been getting along really well all day what's going on" romeo asks. i just smile up at trey. "should we tell them?" i ask. "why tell them them when we can show them" trey smiles "show us what?" raven asks. trey pulss me onto his lip and pulls me in for a kiss. i gladly kiss back. whe we pull apart everyone's mouths are open. i chuckles. "are you kidding me?" romeo asks. i shrug "after all the.." e starts. "that's behind us now ok? can we not talk about it?" i ask. everyone nods. "riley will you do me the honor and be my girlfriend?" trey whispers in my ear. i look up at him and nod. "well duh" i laugh..

Revenge (sequel to mindless protection program)Where stories live. Discover now