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" oh my god I don't know what to wear" I freak out. " that's what shopping is for come On no training for the next three days time to have some fun" jenny says. " hey babes leggo" trinady says walking in. " ever heard of knocking" I joke. " yah but I couldn't bother" she says. She hugs jenny. " haven't spent time together in ages I'm so thankful for the break" she says. " yah I missed my girlfriend" Jenny says. Wrapping her arms around trinnys waist. Yah the past few days I've learned to get used to the fact jenny has a girlfriend. When I said I wanted a gay best friend this is not exactly what I meant but ehh. " come on guys the first bus to the city is coming soon" king says. " doesn't anyone knock" I ask. He laughs. " do you know how many girls are freaking out about what to wear just because trey latimore is coming" he asks. " he's my boyfriend I should be the only one freaking out" I say jealously a lot these girls are prettier than me and can take him away pretty easily. " don't worry with what we are gonna get you tonight everyone is gonna know he belongs to you" trinnys says." thanks trinny" I laugh . We all link arms arms and walk out.

"What at about this?" Jenny says. "I'm trying to beat all the other girls to keep my guy it's not good enough" I say. " so the jealous type" king laughs. " not as jealous as him" I answer. " so do they have to be this fancy?" I ask. They nod. " at least you don't have to wear a tux" king says. " well hello hottie" I hear a deep voice. I turn to see a guy smirking at me. " um do I know you?" I ask. " no but I do training too. The names drake" he says. I just nod. " so you single" he asks. " nope taken " I answer. " ok we'll see bout that?" He winks. " excuse me" I ask. " one thing you should know about me, when I want something I get it" he says. I scoff and he leaves. " spoiled snob" trinny says. We keep looking. " I'll get this one" I finally say. " oh ok let's go we have 3 hours till they get here" jenny says. I squeal as we get out of the store. " I need guy best friends" king groans. As we laugh at him.

"ok ready?" King asks. I look in the Mirror at my outfit. " yep" I smile. " we meet in the hall in 5 minutes the bus arrives in 10" trinny reads out. " yay" I cheer sliding the bracelet back on. We walk out to see everyone dressed up. In prom like dresses. We go to the hall. " hey " I hear drake say. I turn to him in a tux. " leave me alone" I say. " nope I get what I want and I fight till I win" he says. He wraps his arms around me. I try to push him off but he doesn't budge, the doors open wide and jerry stands infront of the new trainees only two of them catch my eye Romeo and trey. Jerry moves aside as the walk in. All the girls squeal over trey and my brother. Argh this is really starting to annoy me. I stomp on drakes foot making him let go. I run over to trey and Romeo hugging them both. I hear them chuckle. The music starts and Romeo let's go. I look up at trey. And hug him again. He lifts me me up just like he did the day I left. Making my laugh. " I missed" you I say looking down at me, he lowers me making me kiss him until my feet finally touch the ground. " I missed you too princess" he says. " I hate that nickname" I say. " why" he asks. " it brings back bad memories" I say . He nods. " come on let me introduce to some people" I say pulling him. " these are my best friends jenny king and trinny" I smile. They greet him and Romeo. " hey trey" some girls wink going past him. I cross my arms as he looks at them and waves. " ahem" I say. He turns back to me. And smiles, I playfully roll my eyes and smile back. Keeping him might be a bit harder than I thought. " hey can I ask you something?" He asks. I nod. " who was that guy you were hugging when we walked in?" He asks

Revenge (sequel to mindless protection program)Where stories live. Discover now