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"Romeo get out my room" I say pushing him out. He smirks and stands his ground. Why does he have to be captain of the junior football, basketball and baseball team. I keep trying to push him out. " what's going on" dad comes in. " he's looking through my stuff and won't leave" I say. " oh.. What did you find out" dad smirks at Romeo. " Daddy" I whine. He starts laughing. " I was joking. Romeo live her alone ok? Girls need their privacy" he says. " fine whateves" Romeo says an leaves. Dad just stand there. " you too dad" I say. " what's that" he says pointing to my arm where there was a bruise. I quickly pull my sleeve down. " nothing I just..fell" I lie. He looks at me then nods. He knows I'm lying. And knowing dad he's gonna tell mom. I sigh as he leaves.

I'm in my room writing songs. I get my writing genes from my dad. "Mommy's home and she brought pizza" I hear mom yell. I quickly run down stairs. But dad beat me to her. "I'll take that" he says. I pout. " here" mom says. I take the bag she's holding out and find an amazing oversized football top that's like a dress. " wow I love it" I smile. " thank aunt teneika when she comes over tomorrow she saw it and thought it would be perfect for you" she says taking a slice of pizza off dad. " hey" he whines. She pokes her tongue out athim." Hey I'm going over to trey' she's having a party" Romeo says. Mom looks at me and I sigh. I grab Romeo's shirt pulling him back. " who's trey and why are we only hearing about this party now" mom asks. " cause he just texted out invites" Romeo say. Mom looks at dad. " ok I'll tell you one thing.. You get a girl pregnant or anything like that I will personally cut your penis off" dad says making me laugh. Romeo puts his hands up in defence. " got it thanks" he says and starts leaving. " be home by 1am and don't take drugs or get too drunk" mom says. My eyes widen. They know what happens at these parties and are fine with it?. " ok I promise only 2 bottles" Romeo says as trey's truck pulls up. " so what are you plans for this Saturday night" mom asks. I shrug. " daddy can I come to the studio with you" I ask. He nods. He used to be in this famous and called mindless behavior. That's how he met mom.. Actually they went to the same school. All mom told me was that at first her and dad didn't get along. Until she had to protect them. " show mom your arm" dad says. My smile falls. " what about her arm" mom asks worriedly. Dad takes my arm and pulls my sleeve up. " oh my god.. Who did this. I swear" she starts. " mom just don't..there's this boy at school, he bully's me.. He did this" I say. Her worried look turns into a smirk as she looks at dad. " oh roc doesn't that sound familiar" she says. " I believe it does Kelsey" he says. They both look at me. " what" I ask. " just keep a close eye on his behavior sweet. You mightbe surprised. And if anyone else is bullying you. Like for one a lot of girls. They are extremely jealous and or are trying to make him happy" she says. " your weirdos" I joke as I grab some slices of pizza.

i guess it's time to go back to the terrible terrifying place they decided to all school. I look through closet and find Something to wear. " hey you need ride to school?" Mom aks. I nod. " trey picking me up" Romeo says putting on his varsity jacket. Oh yah trey. Argh I forgot about him. Now I'm defenatly not looking forward to school. I grab my bag and the egg and acon breakfast sandwich to have in the car. Mom's phone beeps " on my my way jerry" she says and hangs up. We get in the car and she speeds off to drop me of at school. " your dad is picking you up.. Or you can call him if you wanna walk to the studio and meet him ther" she says. I nod and kiss her cheek goodbye. And off she goes to work. I don't know how she manages to keep all of this under control. " oh look it's the princess on her way from the castle" trey smirks. What kind of insult is that? " leave me alone trey" I say and try to go past him. He pulls me back and squeezes my waist really hard. " where is my work?" He whispers in my ear. I sigh and take his homework out of my bag. " you probably got 80%" I say. " ehh good enough" he smirks. He pulls me along with him to our lockers. Which are unfortunately right near each other. " you have this to do.. And this. Oh and this" he says passing me his work. I scoff. " I only agreed to do that for a week and the week is over.. Do it your self" I say. He glares at me. I try to stand my ground and show I'm not scared. Even though I'm dying on the inside. He pushes me against the metal lockers. I groan in pain. " listen here bitch. You do what I say when I say. You are completely worthless and no one will ever love you. Yours e zero friends and not even your brother will stand up for you. No one likes you" he says. As much as I know that's not true and that my family loves me it still hurts. He let's go making me fall to the ground and leaves. I sigh. What would mom do. Then again she has never been in this situation before so she probably doesn't know how to deal with it.

" ok class. Your geography assignments are due in 2 weeks. And I will give you a partner. You are to erase arch a a natural disaster and write a report about it" the teacher says handing out our task sheets. She writes the names and partners on the board. When my name shows up my hearts tops. Please no anyone but him. Anyone even carter his stupid annoying girlfriend. I go up to the teacher and beg for a different partner of course she denies this. Argh. I turn to see trey smirking at me. This can not be good.

Revenge (sequel to mindless protection program)Where stories live. Discover now