Room 765

396 32 40

Well,well,well......look who it is, New girl, you really like bumping into me,don't you? Catra said with a grin planted on her face.

"I didn't plan this.....encounter. Ms.Sowerby just gave me this dorm number,and I just came to it,and if it is mine and you are here,then I think I will just have to share it with you" Adora said with her head held down.

"Oh it's okay, actually, I thought this year my roommate was gonna be some some lame girl, without fun,oh but boy was I wrong" Catra said

"What does that even mean?"

"It means that you and I are gonna have so much fun,Princess" Catra said with a grin,but not like her normal grin, it was a grin that was happiness and evilness combined.

Adora's POV

I am so scared, what is that even supposed to mean? Is she gonna play pranks on me? Bother me?

"Left you thinking huh?" Catra asked

"No,i was just deciding if it is a good I idea to take a bath or not" I lied

"Well,if you are gonna take a bath, make sure to lock the door" and with that she left to her bed on the other side of the room.

Okay......what? Lock my door! Pff of course I will lock my door, it's not like someone will ent-
And then it hit me,when she said, Make sure to lock the door.

Oh shit.

*Time skip brought to you by my mom,who grounded me for screaming at the Catradora kiss and thinking I was being kidnapped*

I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping. I look around and notice that Catra isn't on her bed, thank god. I really can't deal with her right now. I get a message from Glimmer asking me if it is okay if she takes me to a party tonight. Of course I said's a party.
I got up and walked to a mini kitchen we had,and took out some cereal and milk.

"Hey Adora! You here!?" I hear someone say. I then realized it was Catra

"Umm,yes? Goodmorning!" I say

"Yeah, Goodmorning,umm do you need the dorm tonight,like are you gonna be here?" Catra asks

"Umm no, I don't think so,I have a party Glimmer invited me to go."

"Oh, so you are going too?" Catra asks

"To the party? Yes." I say confused

"Ok." And with that she left the room again.

It was a Saturday, what can I do?.........OH I know!! I jump off my seat and grab my phone and dialed my sister's phone number.

Adora! I missed you so much! Kat says through the phone excited.

"Heyyy, i missed you too, how's it been? How's mom?

Oh, she's great, you should have seen her, she was bragging everyone on how her amazing daughter got into a royalty school!

"I don't know why, but I was expecting it"

"Tell me!! How is it there?! Are there Unicorns?! Do you use shiny tiaras?!

"It is a really good place,no, no Unicorns and no, no dresses and tiaras.....yet. We are using that on graduation day.

Awww, that's sad,I was expecting a magical world, what's the difference between here and there?

"Well, here we use uniforms, really really elegant uniforms, and people are really nice here.......most of them."

"Aww,that's soo cool!, Adora, i need to leave, I have tons of homework and you know how mom is with that."

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