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(sad chapter?? fluff chapter??  TW: abuse, toxic) longest chapter I've written :D

Adora's POV
A week..
A fucking week has passed since the last time i saw Catra, I don't know if she is okay, i don't know where she is, I don't know if she is alive, Nothing. And I as you can imagine, I was a wreck

"You know what? I might as well die" I blurted out to Glimmer who was sitting right next to me in Spanish class.

"Adora, you need to relax, i think she is fine and will come anytime soon, you'll see" I don't think Glimmer is getting this, well, how could she? we haven't even told her that we are in a relationship so.

"Ok esa fue la campana, ya pueden salir a su ralmuerzo(ok that was the bell, you can go out to lunch) The teacher said, as she kept her eyes on some tests she was checking

"We should totally go out and keep your mind away from all of this concern you have" Glimmer blurted

"No thanks, i am fine" i sighed

"ugh whatever, i'm going to grab something from my locker, i'll be in the cafeteria soon ok" i nod my head and watch as she makes her way to the elevator.

"Adora!!! Adora!!" i hear a high pitched voice squeaked, it was Flutterina

"Oh hello Rina, what's up?" i greet happily

"I really don't know if you should take this as good or bad news but, um.....Principal Weaver wishes to see you" she said nervously

I had an idea of why she was calling me, but even tho that is not the reason, i will try and find out about Catra

"Ok thank you informing me, what is my next class?" i ask

"Oh um, Geometry and then Science" she commented

"Ok thank you Fluterrina, anything else?"

"Oh yes! The Cafeteria will be closed for dinner because they are adding a new food stand and they need to build, so what would you like to eat?"

"Chicken Nuggets?"

"Dinosaur shaped?

"You know it bestie"

*hours earlier*

Catra's POV
I don't even know what day is today, Monday? Wednesday? The end of the world?

"Catra" A nurse comes in the room. "Your mother is here, you can leave your uniform on the bed"

I get up from the bed and follow the nurse to the main office where my mom was standing waiting for me, I decided to stay a little away from her and stand where the front desk was. She was filling some papers and giving them a check with as I could see more than 4 ceros on it.

"Ok time to go Catra" she says while turning her heels and start heading to the exit along with a nurse by her side

"Did you give her the pill last night as I demanded?" she asked the nurse

"Yes ma'am, we even confirmed her consuming it" she whispered yelled

"Great" Then my mom pulls out her purse a check with 5,000 dollars on it. As soon as she grabbed the check she hid it on her pocket and turned away.

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