Chapter 45: Let Me Go

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Random dedication to @HipsterHarry

Chapter 45:

As much as I loved that I had my memory back, this was one thing I would've been glad to have forgotten. Most kids loved their dads.

Dads were supposed to be the people that little girls look up too. Pippa had always been what she called "Daddy's girl" and I envied her for that. I once told Aunt Beth that I wished I knew my biological father, but now, not so much.

My father was a mean and evil man. One I wished I never met. We met on bad terms already. "What do you want?" I spat.

"Rosie-" Harry seemed to warn.

"You know what I want Rosie Posie." He said with a wicked smile on his lips. Each word that fell from his chapped lips were like venom.

"Don't. Call. Me. That." I said. I remembered Harry always calling me that and Louis too, but from Dad, I hated it a million times more.

"You're my daughter." He chuckled. "I can call you whatever I want."

"I don't know what your problem is. Just leave me alone. I'll stay out of your life if you stay out of mine." I bargained.

Dad laughed. "You are so naive Rosemarie. Kind of like your mother. But you know and I know that there is only one way for you to stay out of my life."

I knew what he meant. Harry knew what Dad meant. I felt Harry tense up beside me. He wrapped his arm around my waist in a protective manner, but I knew that though Harry was strong and protective, he wouldn't stand a chance to Dad.

Dad had gone beyond the limits to have me dead. He didn't look like he was stopping now. In twenty four hours, I could be in Aunt Beth's state.

Passed on.

Harry and I got up on our feet. From other people's prospective, the three of us just looked like we were in a small fight. People on the street walked by with curious looks on their faces, but ignored it. Our conversation just looked like anything else that would happen in a normal day. The thing was that our conversation looked normal but if you actually heard any of it, you would want to run.

That was exactly what I wanted to do.


How easy that would be. If I could just run away from Dad. From my life. From everything. Unfortunately, life wasn't like that. Life in general wasn't like that.

But I tried anyways. I tried to run.

I didn't make it five feet before Dad grabbed my arm with such a tight grip that I was sure there'd be a bruise there tomorrow.

If I made it to tomorrow.

"I don't think that was a smart move Rosemarie." He growled.

I opened my mouth to scream, but Dad used his other hand to cover my mouth.

"Let her go. You can have me, just let Rosie go." Harry said.

"The thing is lover boy, I don't want you. You can scurry home for all I care. Rosie's coming with me and you can't really do anything to stop me." Dad snarled.

"I can call the police right now." Harry said. He pulled out his phone to call.

Dad uncovered my mouth and whispered into my ear, "If you make one sound, just remember I have a knife in my pocket so shut up." I nodded and pressed my lips together. "BOYS!" Dad yelled.

All of a sudden, three men appeared, stepping out of a black van that was next to the sidewalk. They came towards us. All three were dressed in black with sunglasses to conceal their identities.

"Take her into the car." Dad told them. One man grabbed my right arm and the other my left.

"Put me down!" I cried.

"Sweetheart, I have a gun in my pocket. Shut up."

I saw Harry start to follow, but Dad knocked Harry out cold. Harry fell to the ground, unconcious.

"HARRY!" I sobbed. He couldn't hear me though. He was on the ground and unconcious. I got shoved into the black van and Dad was in the driver's seat in an instant. People started to surround Harry and look quizzically at the van.

I mouthed the word "help" multiple times, but the glass in the car was dark. No one could see me.

"He'll be fine. You on the other hand? Eh. Not so much." Dad said.

"You'll never get away with this you bastard!" I screamed. I started to try to unlock the car. Jumping out seemed like the best option right now. I pounded on the glass. I wanted to get out.

"Tie her hands." Dad said.

"NO!" I shrieked "NO!"

"Stop being such a baby." Dad mocked. "NO! NO!"

I tried to resist the men tying my hands together, but it was no use. They were stronger and I was weaker. My hands were tied uncomfortably behind my back. The more I strained, the tighter it seemed to get.

"Duct tape." Dad said in a monotone voice.

"NO!" I protested as one man started to rip a piece of duct tape. "NO! JUST DON'T!"

"Should've thought about that before."

I started screaming bloody murder before the duct tape was placed over my lips.

"Knock her out."

That was the last thing I heard.

I'm really sorry about the short chapter. I promised y'all that I'd update when I got to 70 votes and 35 comments so I did. It's Thanksgiving and I had a long day. It's almost 2:45 in the morning in my time as I wrote this so sorry if it seems kind of sloppy. I hope it's good enough! Haha. Anyways, please vote, comment, and fan me! This story is coming to an end soon and I'm sure there will be a sequel. I will not be able to update from Friday-Sunday since I will be on

vacation. I hope y'all can reach my limits by Monday when I will be able to update again! I'm gonna raise it a little higher this time.

75 votes


I just have one question. Where are my readers from? I'm from Texas. It explains why I say "y'all" so much.



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