Chapter 9 - Is too much pride a bad thing? (yes)

Start from the beginning

It was about time to stop this silent theatre and I prompted him to speak up.

"Well then. Glad to see you gather enough confidence to stand up. Please. Introduce yourself."

I gave him a fake reassuring smile and that seemed to piss him off anymore as his eyes seemed to get darker in rage and I swore they turned the tiniest bit of red. Enchanting. All signs of embarrassment had disappeared. It seemed I may have bruised his dignity. Did he still notice the smugness in that smile? I thought I hid it pretty well. Nemo seems to be pretty observant. I am not going to lie but his parents gave him quite the odd name. Were they fans of the movie? For the first time since entering this room, the new employee produced a sound – the clearing of his throat and proceeded with his introduction. He was looking at everyone in the room (also for the first time) so our mini staring competition's winner was me by default. God, I hate winning by default. It's worse than pineapple on pizza. He had a pissed aura but he also looked a lot more confident and professional.

"Sorry for the uh delay... My name is Nerovsky Poston, 23 years old," OH NERO. Yeah that makes more sense. "and got recently recruited for the finance management department. As for a fun fact..." Nero then daringly looked me straight in the eyes with a shit-eating look of his own and said IN THE MOST CONDESCENDING TONE KNOWN TO MANKIND,

"Mr. Covell and I have met twice before but he forgot the first time. I was truly hurt when he recognised me the second time we met and even more hurt now because apparently, he has the capabilities to remember the faces and names of his own employees. Was that a lie? A rumour? None the less, as disappointed as I am, it's okay boss sir. You don't have to be worried. I forgive you. I just hope you'll remember me from now on or it will be very awkward on both our parts."

With all that being said, Nerovsky sat back down with poise and relaxed back in his dedicated seat. He looked at me but this time, nervousness was replaced with a mocking gaze and a well-pleased grin as if to wordlessly tell me, "I win you bastard. Pride intact and all." However, his tense shoulders suddenly relaxing didn't go unnoticed. It told me that the bastard was at least a bit nervous. The entire room once again fell dead silent and the next person who was meant to go next clearly had no clue whether he should stand or not, clearly waiting for me to snap. That condescending, smug, son of twat is fucking looking down on me! Furthermore, he just embarrassed me in front of my own people! Hold on... did he call me boss sir? What in the flying fuck is that? So now it was my turn to be pissed and I gave him the stink eye, like a child. Definitely one of the lowest points of my life. My mouth was upturned into a scowl and I realised I'd fisted my left hand, clutching very tightly. The introduction introduced a heavy tension that covered the room and smothered everyone in the room.

All of a sudden, there was a muffled, retarded noise from my right and I turned to find Matt trying with all his physical strength and mental power to not burst out guffawing. I gave him a death glare but he just ignored it and went back to trying not to die. I hope you die though. Nero was also looking at him with an unamused frown and apparently wanted him dead as much as I did. No one was moving so one of my temporary assistants told the next person to go on, which broke the suffocating tension that was coating the room.

On my end however, I stopped properly listening after each person introduced their names (I still want to memorise their name) and my mind kept wondering to the bored, four-eyes sitting 7 seats from the left. As much as I currently want to behead him right now, I want to get to know him even more. After all, he's one of the only few people to go off at me during the first (second apparently) meeting and again the next day.


POV: Nerovsky

After I finished my introduction, I felt depleted of all my energy. Even physically fighting some bad leaves some energy left over. I currently have nil. Then again, I also have an excruciating headache so maybe that plays a part to this. Which explained why I resumed not paying attention to the rest of the noobs' introductions. I kind of just blanked out and just stared out of the window to my left, which was displaying a very nice and sunny day. I don't think I was even thinking of anything. Just blanking out and staring. Sure I kept my pride intact but at what cost. Because of said pride, I gave him a clue of my other identity. It's an obscure clue but one none the less. He's not a dumbass either. Anymore slip ups and he may be able to connect the dots. I might as well be honest about my Oddity in my application.

Even after the introductions were done and Mr. Fuckface began saying something probably important, I just surveyed the building next door with nothing in mind. I'm going to be fired as soon as I leave the room anyway so why should I care? The only thing that had broken the spell was when I heard an applause and a few mutters of goodbyes. That caused me to whip my head to the front to find that Mr. CEO and company were standing up, ready to leave.

My mind did a mini victory dance but my heart kind of sulked because I guess the hottest guy in the room was leaving and there was no more eye candy to appreciate. Although, I didn't really do a lot appreciating today. Leonardo was looking around, responding to the farewells and then our eyes met. At that moment, I swore time froze like some cliché chick flick except this wasn't cute or romantic. It was annoying. Nevertheless, our eyes met and I saw his professional mask crack a little as he displayed a small smile that was shrouded in the same genuineness from last night. It was beautiful and it caught me off guard (I blush a bit again. Curse my paleness). Is this guy sadistic? I just destroyed yo ass. Why aren't you grring at me like before? Regardless of the reason, the smile was gone as fast it arrived and I found myself disappointed and missing it. He didn't see the disappointment fortunately as he had left the conference room by then.

The only people left in the room were the new employees, the 8-weeks interns and Matthew Williams. Once again, we're back to the quietness displayed a couple of times throughout the day mainly because we didn't know what to do or what was next. I sensed a couple of gazes towards me in intrigue and curiosity. It was just plain hatred on Leah's part though. I didn't turn towards any of them and just lazily gazed at Matthew who was currently on his phone, probably checking what was next. Matthew seemed to really enjoy whatever the fuck happened between me and boss sir. He gives me major Aiden vibes. Speaking of which... the son of a bitch is most definitely getting cremated alive tonight. He left out the details on purpose to fuck me over. I need a revenge plan.

My thought train was cut off when Matthew put his phone away and announced,

"Well we did plan for someone else to come in here and tell you about... something. Honestly forgot. But he seemed to have an emergency meeting so that's not happening. Instead, you now have an hour break to explore the general public area such as the ground floor and the second floor. Alternatively you can leave to have food or something and come back. Point is, you're not restricted to stay inside the building. When you guys come back, I'm going to be giving you guys a tour of the huge place and telling where you can or can't go plus the do's and the don'ts of the place. For now, go enjoy your unforeseen break."

Everyone bolted out of their chairs and made way towards the exit. I too bolted up and started practically running to the door. However, as I was about to step out of the room, a booming voice stopped me in my tracks.

"NOT you Mr. Poston. YOU stay back with me."

Everyone gave me a look of pity as I move out of the doorway, some even giving their farewells to me. The thought was appreciated. I turned to the front with a nervous smile and curse myself internally for sprinting out of the room instead. I observed Matthew smiling with playfulness, amusement and it was so much happiness that it began to irk me. Once it was just the two men in the room, Matthew started off the conversation of doom.

"Now Nero. Can I call you Nero? I'm going to call you Nero. Now Nero. Care to explain what just happened between you and Mr. Covell? I believe I am owed an explanation."

Yep. Definitely hell. I have died and arrived in hell.

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