14.3 ▌The Association of Humana

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UNHURRIED FOOTFALLS echoed on the pavements of Citadel.

Aricson should be rushing to the Grand Circle but his whole mind was preoccupied. For the short time he was with Elise, he had an inkling she would do something so he made sure to delay his leave.

He had checked Luke's situation before he left and he had been fading for almost six hours. If Elise planned to do anything, it would be too late and he believed she was rational enough not to do something grave.

Nonetheless, it was a good option to leave some Guardian knights in the library to make sure she would not leave the premises. He was bothered by the consequence if she intervened in May's case. Despite his awe of her talent, that was not something she could solve easily.

He continued his steps until the crashing of waves became louder. The manmade islet of Citadel was completely surrounded by relentless waters. Unlike the Ember Isle which had different structures within, the Citadel was made into a floating building with an open landscape that connected the scattered halls and chambers.

A place purposely built on the Vesfrost Kingdom to host all the powerful people of Humana.

Several more paces and Aricson arrived at the largest chamber. A man stood with his arms crossed in the doorway. His dominant bearing exuded from his posture which was entirely different from the submissive pose of the Order knights positioned on the sides.

"How curious. The ever-diligent Aricson is late. What do you think shall be your penalty?" The low-pitch tone was paired with a galling grin.

He dully stared at his second cousin, arching his brow. "Has there ever been a consequence for that?"

Standing together, both of them appeared with clear distinction. Aricson had the crimson hair and ruby eyes of the Ancient Clan of Flamion while Asher had the dark blue strands of the Royal Family of Enmirch paired with the same colored irises.

"That's just a rhetorical question, Cousin. Just who will try to punish the Monarchs?" Asher put his hand on his shoulder. "By the way, I heard from a little bird that you have a guest and something unusual is going on. Am I going to have a cousin-in-law soon?"

'That Erkhan.' It was not hard to guess knowing his brother's loose mouth.

Aricson did not reply and entered the dim hallways first. Asher kept on talking but he ignored him the whole time.

The two only separated when they reached another archway. As the Rei and the King, they were assigned to the opposite end of the globular hall. The whole place was divided into two with half circles of furniture composed of three layers on each side. Having one of the highest titles, Aricson took his seat at the upper level.

"Good day, Rei Aricson," Larain Aertian greeted after he settled down.

"Such a rare occasion for a Flamion to be late," Luxious, who was sitting beside his wife, expressed as well.

"Good day, Rei Luxious, Rainha Larain. I apologize for my delay as I had a prior appointment."

"There is no need for an apology, Rei Aricson. Even the mediator is still not here," Luxious notified.

"Is that so?"

Aricson scanned the room. Sitting on the farthest corner of the third tier, he could see all the Rei and Rainha were present. Below them, the Guildmasters and Headmasters were seated. His sister, Dryann, was talking to Isabella who was seated at the bottom right — the lower level where all the eight Magi of Humana sat.

Parallel to his position, the Royal Families were also complete in attendance. On their middle were the Council of Juries along with the Grandmaster and the Arc Masters of the Knights of Eternity while at the lowest level were the Paladins.

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