14.2 ▌The Association of Humana

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Year 3988, 1st Day of the 9th Moon
Continent of Humana

NOT A single sound broke out between Elise and Aricson. It was not the comfortable silence that Elise was accustomed to but the suffocating one that she did not know how to get rid of it.

Even the sway of the carriage that had made her motion sick from last time could not disturb her contemplations. The stillness engulfing them did not help either and she was stuck overthinking.

She knew she had to decide sooner or later. It was unusual for her to be indecisive but what else could she do? Guilt was tugging her on both sides.

It was either she chose to return back home with her family or stay with the person she was falling in love with. Choosing one would end up sacrificing and hurting the other.

For the first time in her life, she could actually relate to the female lead in her mother's novels. She always thought they were being stupid and naïve, even losing their selves with love but now she was trapped in the same situation.

The carriage tipped downwards without any alarm and Aricson quickly held her hand as her body jerked from the abrupt shift of the carriage.

She turned to him but he was looking straight into nothingness with that impassive face of his Elise was aware this cold war was all due to her rejection. She would understand if he ignored her, which in fact he did, but with the warmth of his touch easing her anxiousness, he was slowly breaking the walls she had fixed time and time again.

However, like earlier, Aricson let go after the carriage stabilized. He rapped the carriage's roof and the door was quickly opened by the servant.

He offered his hand and assisted her without saying anything. He was the quiet type but this was taking to another level. She was not demanding greater than a civil conversation despite what happened yet it was as if he became aphonic.

She climbed down and her worries vanished in an instant as her eyes centered on another wonder of this world.

They were in front of a building that was most likely steam-punk inspired by how the heavy metals and machine parts adorned the exterior. It was beautiful and ugly at the same time. But the most astonishing part was the blazing arc on the entryway. Even from afar, she could fairly conclude it was a real fire.

A sudden nudge took her away from her distraction. Aricson pulled her closer and she followed him.

As they come nearer, she was right, it was indeed scorching flames. Embers were softly blown by the wind but with its wide span, no person would catch fire while passing through.

They came in and she was ultimately flabbergasted by the sight. She expected to see decors that could be only seen in science fiction but the bright crystal chandeliers dangling above proved otherwise. The ornate walls and light-colored palettes were nothing she was presuming.

The design was similar to the castle in Ember Isle but the way they furnished was far from each other. The castle of Aricson's family took a simple yet elegant approach but this place screamed of extravagance.

There was a huge open space upon entering with hardwood tables and benches spread across the room. What made it special was the gilded gold that seemed to illuminate and border the frames of the furniture.

On the center was a wooden platform draped with red curtains while a long bar counter was on its left. Behind the counter was a huge collection of drinks displayed in the glass cabinet, running along from end to end of the whole place. She could have assumed she was in an elegant bar of a seven-star hotel.

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