20.1 ▌Abyss Faction

593 89 14

Year 3988, 21st Day of the 9th Moon
Ember Isle, Fliamma Kingdom, Continent of Humana

NEVER WOULD have Elise thought that Orin's dignified mien would crumble. He had been tagging along with her like a trained puppy since yesterday, tirelessly persuading her to come to his Medical Hall.

If not for Aricson, he would not have stopped yesterday but since Aricson left again this morning, Orin began his pursuit. She finally escaped his clutches as she strolled into the garden.


'Oh my god! Another one.'  She mentally groaned and walked as if she did not hear anything.

"Elise, wait!" Ruby irises, glimmering with amusement, filled her view in a second. "Why are you avoiding me? Why don't I invite you to an afternoon tea? The flowers in our garden can compete with the lands of Faerilyn."

"Thank you, Lord Brennan, but I am on my way somewhere."

"Come on, don't be a stranger. You can drop the honorific. You've been calling my siblings by name so feel free to call me Brennan as well." His lips curved into a charismatic grin but her body shuddered from the cringe. 

This was creepier than his usual way of treating her. As much as Orin changed, it was nothing compared to the 180-flip that Brennan had. Gone with those harsh contempt looks hidden in obscure eyes, there was now visible sincerity — even in his tone.

"Okay, then, I'll go ahead first."

She planned to head back to the library and try her luck once again to find any information about the Harbinger and maybe also resume her research. 

"Wait!" He blocked her again. "I want to repay a favor. As you know, I cannot just ignore my savior, can I? Only this once. I assure you won't regret it."

His eyes twinkled with a strange light and with that exact copy of Aricson's face, she sighed and reluctantly agreed.

Brennan brought her to another unfamiliar part of the garden with a greenhouse standing not too far away from them.

"This is my mother's greenhouse. She used to tend it but I'm doing it in her place now. There are some rare plants that can only be found here," Brennan informed and opened the door.

Her pupils sparkled in delight as she scanned her surroundings. Unlike the flowers that she had seen so far that resembled those in her world, the species here were the things she only skimmed over in books.

"Is that a Sea Orchid?" 

The blue dangling petals were the same as it was described. Blue was a rare color found in nature but this magical world had a clear abundance with it.

"Yes. They are one of the hardest to breed but it's fulfilling to see them grow," Brennan spoke with uncharacteristic enthusiasm but Elise was already lost in her world to notice.

"Oh my god! You have Prima Floras?"

Pure white leaves and stems carried the lush petals that resembled a white rose. It had been depicted to be the queen of the flowers named after the same title as the queen of the fairies. It was a well-deserved name due to its beauty and its rare condition made it more special.

"Don't they only grow from the soil of the Jewel Palace of Faerilyn?" she inquired, full of wonder and awe at the flowers blooming.

Brennan nodded, his lips still tilting on both ends. "We were given their soil so we can grow some here."

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