19.1 ▌A Charm or A Curse

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Year 3988, 17th Day of the 9th Moon
Ember Isle, Fliamma Kingdom, Continent of Humana

AFTER A whole night of searching, Elise found nothing about the Harbinger. The mere mention paled the face of her maidservants and even Faylinn had been tightlipped and warned her not to utter a word about it.

She could only seek an answer from Aricson but he went home late last night and was leaving again today.

"See you later. I'll be back in the afternoon," Aricson said.

"See you. Take care on your way," she replied with an obvious curve on her lips.

Aricson pulled her close and kissed her cheek before opening the carriage's door.

Faylinn quickly nudged her side the moment the Aricson disappeared from their view.

"My goodness! I don't think I'll ever get used to this. I never thought that my brother who was so dense and so slow and has such passive face is the same guy that left."

She chuckled. "I don't think he's dense though."

Knowing Aricson's attitude towards her, he was far from what he was described. He was certainly not dense since he frankly asked her out before and acted on his emotions. A far cry from the indifference mien he donned.

"No, you're wrong. There are many people who admired him but he ignored them," she stated.

"But I don't think that's being dense. Maybe he's not just interested?"

"That... I could not refute it. It's certainly my first time witnessing Eldest Brother act this way. Erkhan's shamelessness must have rubbed on him. Oh rather, it should be Brother Brennan. He was a classy shameless while Erkhan was straight out audacious that I want to deny any relation towards him," Faylinn commented and she held her hand, dragging her back inside.

They were heading to the West Wing when a bloodied body was hauled right in front of them followed by Brennan with a grim air shrouding him.

Elise's face became ashen in a blink of an eye. Streaks of scarlet dripped from Brenna's fingers to the floor. She was already uncomfortable around him but this incident made it worse.

Accepting the fact that they could kill without a second of contemplation did not mean she wanted to become a spectator. Out of sight, out of mind as the common saying went.

"What happened, Brother?" Faylinn dared to ask.

"A fvcking traitor."

"You should've waited to get him in the dungeon rather than let his blood splatter all over the carpet. That's Mother's beloved carpet just so you know."

'Err... I don't think that's the main problem here.'  With that amount of blood, the man had no way to survive.

"Brother, I think your temper's gotten much shorter these days. You should contact Lord Gustavious," Faylinn continued.

Those eerie red eyes landed on her. She could not understand why Aricson was seen as the cold one among the twins when Brennan's stare could freeze her on the spot.

"You're an expert in healing, correct?" He was smiling but goosebumps ran through her neck.

"I-I-I'm..." She quickly cleared her throat and fixed her stammering. "I'm still far behind from the practiced healers."

"Yet they can't cure me," he rebutted.

"You're sick?" This time, she met his eyes but he said nothing and left. Elise turned to Faylinn. "Is he alright?"

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