16.1 ▌The Overseers of Elith

718 98 19

Year 3988, 8th Day of the 9th Moon
Continent of Humana

THE GLITTERING rays infiltrated the gap between the curtain as it billowed from the soft breeze. It was perfect weather to enjoy a cup of tea in the garden but the library had always been Elise's sanctuary that she never planned on leaving.

She could have spent her time in Orin's Medicine Hall but she heard he was occupied these days so there was no way she could enter his private space. As much as she loved Hadrien's Medicine Chamber, she could not stay as well since she needed books from time to time and the two rooms were on opposite wings.

If one was to come inside, they would have thought that they entered a medicine room rather than the library. The whole ground floor was rearranged with additional tables that stored different herbs.

After that incident days ago, she decided to have more extensive research on fading and the use of plants as a replacement for an element.

Gustavious had learned about her study and sent her a bulk of rare ingredients. Although Orin had a wide variety of herbs as well, the resources of Gustavious were incomparable. She only needed to ask Aricson to send an orb and Gustavious would send anything she wanted. 

It was a pure haven for her not until Aricson made an appearance with her maids in tow. He did not even wait for her reply and explained why she had to get dressed.

After she was done, she was led to the castle's entrance. Aricson stood beside the carriage and her arms crossed on her chest.

"Now what?"

She already prepared her reading list for the whole day but his abrupt plan ruined it. If he did not mention it was urgent, she would have retaliated. It really annoyed her when her schedule was interrupted.

"I just got a letter from my godfather and he said we can go," he said.

"So? Why am I also going?"

"This might be an overnight trip."

Her brow raised. "Then?"

"I want you close to me."

'My god!' He just dropped the bomb and helped her get in the carriage as if nothing happened. After the case of May's husband, it seemed like she and Aricson had a tacit agreement to keep whatever they had. His shower of affection truly helped and motivated her to do her best.

"Besides, this concerns you. You want to go back to your world, don't you?"

'Oh... right.' She almost wanted to slap herself.

His words struck as lightning and anxiety crept into her heart that the day would come when she would forget her real goal — one that should not have involved anything about her research on magic and herbs — yet there she was becoming too engaged in their world. 

She cleared her throat. "So, where are we going?"

He was not able to answer as the carriage rose from the ground. She unconsciously touched her ears to reduce the sudden nervousness. Not a second later, fingers clasped her free hand.

Both the apprehension from earlier and the ride had vanished in an instant. Her emotions were always easily stirred but with him, he could make her calm with just a touch or simply showing up. It was a strange feeling to have her mood dependent on someone. She hated that kind of relationship and vowed to never act like that but when it came to Aricson, it was not bad as she presumed.

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