21.1 ▌The Return of Destruction

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Year 3988, 28th Day of the 9th Moon
Ember Isle, Fliamma Kingdom, Continent of Humana

STARING BLANKLY into space, Elise did not even sense someone entering with her whole mind occupied. The dream kept replaying inside her head and now given more time to ponder, countless worries arose in her heart.

'How did I tangled up in here when all I wished was an ordinary life?' She questioned herself and she hated to admit she was reluctant to leave. She understood what that god said but accepted it was a separate matter.

But when the sight of Aricson back then flashed in her mind, it was enough to erase all the hesitation. If she left, that would not happen again. The god's words echoed and further solidified her decision. It was time to put some distance between them.

"Good morning, Miss. Lady Faylinn inquired if you will be visiting Rei Aricson," Dell said.

Her eyes darted to Dell. The two maids that had always been following her had been reduced to one. There were dark circles under her eyes after everything that happened and all underlying naivety had been gone.

Dell and Aya were with her the whole duration and knowing that Aya died, Dell would probably be one of the people affected.


"I'll go," she mumbled as she tried to quench that guilt gradually making its way to the pit of her stomach.

Elise had never considered that one day she would have such a feeling. Her whole life had been full of self-assurance that almost bordered on arrogance yet here she was diving into a series of misfortunes and crashing into a pool of regret.

ELISE HEADED directly to the Medical Hall. She was expecting to see the rest of the siblings but no one was there except for Caian. Her forehead immediately formed lines after her eyes roamed the room.

"Where are the Healers?"

"I had sent them to the dining hall," he replied.

Aricson was still under observation and should not be left alone. If the Healers leave, they should know that they should do it in turns and at least one person must stay. 'Or maybe this concept does not apply here?'

She glanced at him and there was a casual smile pasted on his lips as his hand traveled to his pocket. There was a glint of gold passing through his fingers before it disappeared.

"What are you holding?" she probed, eyes narrowing.

After all that event last night, doubt emanated inside her. Though the siblings were tight-knit but didn't powerful families have skeletons in their closets?

"Ah, this? My pocket watch." He took out the thing in his hand and it was indeed one. "Just checking the time. The Healers will be returning half an hour at most."

His mouth retained its arc shape that was too amicable but she could not get rid of the suspicious feeling. Overthinking had been her second nature and there must be something he was hiding.

She grabbed a stool and spoke, "I'll stay here for a while."

"Actually, you don't need to put your guard up. I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Caian, his younger brother."

Despite her trying to hide her vigilance, he was still able to see through it. She was about to make an excuse but there was one thing that distracted her. Elise stared at him, full of confusion. 'Why is he introducing himself again?'

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