04.4 ▌The Identity of the Guest

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THE SERVANTS called the other members of the Flamion as Aricson ordered. He opened the door and entered the drawing-room located on the West Wing. It was always used to discuss important family matters and had been fondly referred to by the members of the family as Blue Room due to its motif of using varying blue colors.

He sat on the tufted armchair and contemplated what happened in the library.

Based on her story, although it was preposterous at first, he had to believe it since it answered all the questions in his mind. There was no doubt it was a powerful enemy behind it and huge possibility that his family might get involved. He had someone in mind that could help him but he needed his godfathers' assistance which would end up owing them a favor.

It was already considered a great length for him to help her, who was a mere stranger. But the thing was, he could not ignore her for an unexplainable reason. It was as if someone was pulling him to follow her bidding and refusing was not an option.

Eventually, his siblings arrived one after the other. Only their third brother, Caian, and the older twin of Hadrien, Gavirien, were the ones who were not there.

"How curious. I wonder what happened, dearest twin? Do you perhaps know the lady?" Brennan teased.

"I didn't know you like the type of fragile beauties, Brother," Erkhan joined in.

Brennan and Erkhan inarguably enjoyed mocking him. Among the siblings, they were the most similar in attitude. Then there was Dryann who was gaping on the side.

"Quit that nonsense! That woman doesn't suit you, Brother!" Her voice could surely be heard in the hallway. It was a wonder for him how she was known as the most graceful when she was like this at home.

"Elder Sis, let Eldest Brother decide who he wants. It's his feelings that matter," Faylinn interjected.

"But, Eldest Brother, there was something unusual when I treated her. She appeared like a Half-breed fairy but I could not sense any elemental flow in her body," Hadrien butted in.

As a high-ranked mage, Aricson could sense the elemental flow and only those who studied medicine, like Hadrien, had the same abilities. He already prepared a lie for it since sooner or later, the rest of them would know.

"It must be the poison that caused her elemental flow to weaken that you could not feel it," he reasoned out.

"But that is—"

He signaled him to drop the subject.

"Anyhow, I have an announcement. Starting today, she would be staying here as our guest. It seemed like she forgot her memories and had no recollection of her identity aside from her name."

"Why not send her off to one of the towns?" Dryann suggested.

"You're so heartless, Elder Sis. Mother and Father did not raise us that way," Faylinn admonished her. "She has no memories and many may take advantage of her."

"Faylinn's right. I'm okay letting her stay," Erkhan agreed.

Hadrien just nodded and Aricson turned to his side.

Brennan shrugged. "Whatever works for you. She looks innocent. And if she did something wrong, we can always dispose of her," he commented with nonchalance.

That was the truth of their world. Killing was a common happening. In this residence, if anyone ever betrayed them, the only ending was death. All because of the never-ending war between races and the monsters that plagued the world.

"I don't think she will. I trust my intuition," he declared.

He was aware of what she was. She had no hidden motives but still posed as a threat since her enemies would obviously be his as well if he took her under his wing. He could not surely understand why he was doing all this for her when his clan was his utmost priority.

"Oh, you're even protecting her now," Brennan observed and gave him a wink.

"What about her family name? It was a weird one," Erkhan asked.

"About that... It was because her memories were erased that she thought that Johnson was also part of her name. She did not know about it since everything was completely wiped out."

They said their agreement after his explanation. They never doubted his words since he didn't usually hide matters from them.

"Well, I guess everyone accepts to let her stay," Faylinn stated.

"I do not," Dryann argued.

"It's five versus one, Elder Sis. Majority wins."

"I was the one who found her so I can vouch that she would be innocent."

Even with Erkhan's assurance, Dryann didn't accept it. She crossed her arms and glared at them as the temperature began to drop.

"Shit! Here we go again! Don't freeze us to death, Elder Sis!" Erkhan grumbled. "Just why do the spirits love you so much? What if you suddenly damage my face?"

"Quiet, Erkhan!" Faylinn scolded up and ran to Dryann's side. "Don't mind him, Elder Sis. Please calm yourself," Faylinn followed up, her tone shifting from jovial teasing to somberness in an instant.

Hadrien stayed close to Dryann's side and when Aricson shifted around, his twin had already dashed off the exit.

He shook his head at the recurring scene every time Dryann's emotions fluctuated. An Enchanter could call the spirits to wield the elements to perform magic by casting a spell but Dryann, as a Half-breed fairy could borrow the spirits of ice's powers by simply calling them. However, she was far more special. The spirits loved her and they influenced her surroundings according to her mood.

The worst thing was, that she had no control over that ability and it was paired with her mood swings. The rest of the siblings had no choice but to humor her, or else they would fall into her spell.

"Have a rest, Dryann," he stated and summoned an orb. "Prepare a tea in the Glass Cove."

There was still a slight haze in her eyes when she looked up. "T-thank you, Brother."

He hummed. It was his responsibility to keep peace in their family after all.

 It was his responsibility to keep peace in their family after all

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U n S c e n e s

Q: What do you think about Elise?

Erkhan: Beautiful!

Faylinn: She seems funny.

Hadrien: F-friendly too.

Dryann: What are you talking about? She's strange!

Brennan: I agree. What about you, Brother?

Aricson: ...

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