08.2 ▌The Guardian Knights

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Year 3988, 15th Day of the 8th Moon
Ember Isle, Fliamma Kingdom, Continent of Humana

NUMBERS OF unreadable notes among the countless pile of opened books and scrolls were scattered around Elise.

Flipping of pages alternating with the heavy pound of mortar and pestle was the only thing that could be heard inside the Medicine Chamber. The pungent smell of herbs was enough to make the maids leave her alone.

A visible frown crossed her face staring at the failed attempt in front of her.

'Just why?'

The pulverized plants were not diluted no matter how many times she mixed them with water. She tried other liquids too but it was to no avail.

She scanned the book once again, pondering what she had done wrong. She was aware there was a mistake with the medicine she was making but she had no idea what was it.

It was definitely not the components, but the process. According to the procedure, she should mix the ingredients gradually after every eight pounds but the mixture did not dissolve. The powder remained afloat on the water and had no signs of combining together.

The room got stuffy and she needed a breather. Or else, the frustration would only eat her up.

She cleaned her mess as much as she could before leaving the room. Dell and Aya were not around when she went out and decided to roam around by herself.

Ever since she got there, she only knew the way to those places she went to. Elise did not bother exploring the whole castle since she was satisfied with her current situation.

While her mind lingered about the failed medicine, her feet led her to the garden. She kept roving, completely unaware of her surroundings.

Her thoughts were focused on how she did the instructions in the book along the way. She tried to recall the pages before it thinking about the possible words that she may have discounted.

"Heal... Healing... Healing Magic! Oh, that's why!"

She couldn't believe she overlooked it. Now she knew why no matter how she did it, she could not do it properly. That medicine needed magic and she had none. her lips uplifted as she dashed to return but all in front of her were trees and other greeneries until she arrived at the familiar sound of the waves was there and she was encircled by the golden sand.

It was the exact same scene back when she woke up in this world. She actually ended up on the shore and she had no idea how she got there.

"Why are you being stupid, Elise?!" she berated herself in annoyance.

She badly needed to fix her habit. Every time she was stuck on something, she tended to stroll without any particular destination. Her mother was always amazed at how she could keep thinking while taking a walk without bumping into anything.

But now look what it got her.

This was a world she was unfamiliar with yet she had the guts to loiter around. If that was not utterly stupid, she didn't know what to call herself then.

She walked around yet it seemed like she was getting out of nowhere. She couldn't even see the silhouette of the castle even if it was that enormous.

By then, the sun was already setting. It was such a beautiful view but she could not appreciate it for it was getting darker and her chance of getting back at the place was going slimmer.

Charmed [✔]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon