28.1 ▌Kismet Pledge

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STRINGS OF purple and red lined Elise's wrist. The loops of metal jingled down her feet, wrapping her ankles in a chilling dread. Reluctance radiated in her body but she was helpless. She had tried to summon her artifacts earlier but it was proven futile when nothing emerged.

She glanced to see the other women with her but even Amaranth had stopped struggling. If not for the blazing irises that burned like the sun, Elise would have thought Amaranth had given up.

'Ow!' The loud yelp was only mouthed in silence. Elise glared at the hooded man in front of her who forcefully tugged the chain before observing the man on the very front.

Unlike the rest of the black-clothed people who were cloaked to hide their features, the brown-haired man scrupulously revealed himself. His gentle downturned eyes could not even hide the malice the moment he entered the prison door a while ago. When those bony fingers of his touched her temple, her ability to speak was gone.

Elise had no idea how many hours or days had passed since she returned but it already felt like forever with all that was happening. Her mind had been spinning wildly for all the possible outcomes.

She had not come back to die or to be disabled. All she wanted was to be with the one she loved.

'Is this my punishment for choosing love over family?' Guilt and apprehension whirled on her head no matter how she tried to get rid of it.

Those thoughts remained and got worse with each step she took. But the moment they entered the huge steel doors, her emotions intensified at an all-time high.

A rise of regret surged to her heart but she buried it right away. This was the choice she made and she had to stand by it.

With trembling fingers and short, anxious breaths, she stepped forward. Opposite the corridors that were dingy and shrouded with hair-raising mists, the blazing embers in the center lit the whole space.

Her shaking grew worse, rattling the chain on her limbs. That terrifying feeling rose up in her chest, penetrating her mind until it became numb.

She thought it was the mere fact of being alone with a ghost that caused her to faint from panic earlier. But, no. Tens of people were around her yet her heart thumped like she ran a marathon. The clammy sheen of sweat was combined with goosebumps rising on her skin every second that passed.

"My lordship, they are here," the brown-haired man spoke.

The giant face made of flames rotated towards them, it was still as startling as the first time she saw it. Elise's breathing became rapid. She tried to control it but she was on the verge of falling into hyperventilation.

Her breath suddenly hitched when those hollow sockets of darkness seemed to focus on her. Elise could not explain what was happening. She could not understand the terror embracing her whole being.

"Take their blood." The giant thing opened its mouth. His voice reverberated as if it was summoned from the depths of hell and tuned by the devils.

"But don't take too much on that woman behind you," he continued. The low bass pitch was raspy and paired with a slow echo when he spoke.

Elise was too caught up with her trepidation that she did not realize the voice was pertaining to her.

When a glint of silver flashed in her sight, she quickly woke up from her trance. A rush of alarm came in an instant while the man's weapon drew closer.

She backed off until the coarse walls hit her spine. The man, whose face was veiled by the shadow of his hood, did not even hesitate and grabbed her hand.

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