10.2 ▌The Healers

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DISAPPOINTED, ELISE proceeded to the library. Aricson did put a halt on training with Erkhan himself so she could only go to this place to spend her time.

Her competitive spirit died down as her enthusiasm for reading returned. She had a lot of books to catch up on. She climbed upstairs and walked to the shelf where she last ventured to.

She carried a pile and sat on one of the extravagant sofas on the second floor. It was so long that two people could both lie down. The printed textile combined with plush foam was cozy, making it her favorite nook in the whole library.

The furniture creaked as she tried to find a comfortable position. Finally, she settled with her head laid at the center, her feet dangling at the end while the book was raised above her chest.

She was so immersed in reading that she did not hear the footsteps approaching her. She did not even lift her head and continued reading without any care.

"Rei! Rei!"

Elise jumped from her seat at the sudden shout and dropped the book. She turned sideways and hurriedly picked it up to search where she left off. She was almost at the critical part of the procedure. This meant that if the step failed, great complications would follow, death being the worse.

"Rei, where are you?"

A girl's voice echoed in the hall once more. Her peaceful haven was not that peaceful anymore. She stood up to talk to whoever it was but saw a silhouette on her peripheral. She swiveled on her feet and held back a gasp after realizing who it was.

Aricson had a book in hand, his right leg over his left as he remained seated at the opposite end of the long couch where she was lying a moment ago.

'How long is he there?'

"About the time you were reading the benefits of a wild leaf root," he said without even looking up.


"You asked me how long I was here so I answered you," he replied with that unflappable voice of his then looked at her.

How she wanted to reproach herself because of her habit of speaking her thoughts out loud and how she lacked awareness when she was concentrating. He definitely had been there for a long time since the wild leaf root was in the first half of the book and she was almost at the end.

"You should've said something," she complained.

Outwardly, she schooled her expression but deep inside, his company caused small flutters within her which she wanted to distinguish right away. 

One of his brows rose, his eyes focusing on her.  "Why would I?" 

"Manners? Why are you seating here, anyway? There's a lot of couches here." She flung her hand towards the direction of the seats randomly placed around.

Aricson had a droll face. "I am the owner of this place. I can sit wherever I want, correct?"

He was right but the way he responded matter-of-factly like she was an idiot, irked her. 'What feelings? Who will like this man when he rubs me the wrong way all the time?'

She peered at him but he ignored her. Her irritation went to herself instead. She was greatly affected by him yet he was apparently not.

"Rei! Rei! Oh, here you are!"

Sapphire suddenly arrived and smiled in their direction, making her more beautiful in Elise's vision.

With all these kinds of women surrounding Aricson, she wondered how could he not fall for any of them. She contemplated if there was something wrong in his eyes or maybe in his head.

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