17.4 ▌Banquet in Flamion

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"WHAT THE hell happened here?" Ariscon's glacial tone resonated upon seeing the commotion.

The ladies herding together visibly flinched on his arrival. It was not even several minutes before he went out with Gustavious but something already transpired.

"I-I-I d-don't know. I was talking with Yasmin and Stella then s-she f-fainted..."

Faylinn rambled but his focus remained on the person lying on her lap. His eyes glinted with certain emotions when he was reminded of the previous incident. He knelt and slipped his hands on Elise's neck and legs as his crimson irises were cast with deep shadows of anxiety.

He pulled her close to his chest, not minding the weight as he observed the unconscious woman. Her make-up hid everything but the trickling sweat sliding down her chin showed her discomfort. He rose up and marched to the exit while the on-lookers strew away.

"W-will she be fine?" Faylinn mumbled, matching his hurried footfalls. "How can her elemental flow disappear just like that? Is she—"

The sudden information made him stiff causing him to pause in his tracks.

"What is it, Eldest Brother?" Faylinn asked who also halted her steps.

He veered to his sister, his intent gaze burning her face while he thought of countless excuses. Faylinn was a Sage knight who could wield both magic and weapon. Her proficiency in spells was almost on par with S-class mage, making her sensitive to elemental flow if she focused. 

Nonetheless, no one else was yet aware of Elise's secret. Albeit it would be revealed, it was better to come from her mouth than be accidentally discovered.


"Are you the only one who touched her? What happened there?" he inquired.

"I don't know. She just fainted then Sapphire caught her and I asked for Gerald to call for a Healer."

"Good. Don't mention anything more about the elemental flow. You can go back to your—"

"Aricson, what's going on?" Orin appeared with Gerald behind him.

Among all the Healers Gerald could bring, he brought his uncle. Aricson inwardly groaned and could not certainly blame Gerald. Orin was their family's Healer but since he was his uncle, he would not be able to hide Elise's circumstances anymore.

Granted that was the case, the very first step was not letting his uncle examine Elise.

"It's alright, Uncle. I'll handle this. Hadrien can assist me while you entertain the guests," he said.

"No. Hadrien is still a student. I'll call Brennan to accommodate—"

"Brennan is indeed capable but you know his situation right now. He changes his mood like how he changes his clothes," he reasoned out.

Their eyes met and it was as if no one wanted to yield but Orin surrendered in the end.

"I understand. I'll get Hadrien," Orin said and swiveled on his feet.

His looks swept to the remaining two. "You two can go back as well."

"But, Brother—"

"Don't make me repeat things twice, Faylinn. Due to this incident, I'll need you to explain this to our guests. Better spread that she was drunk than alert strangers. Assist her well, Gerald."

Without waiting further, he turned his back on them and carried her all the way to her room.

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