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Three months later...


I took a deep breath before entering the throne room. I looked at Oliver beside me. He was holding my hand. We were both nervous but they needed to know.

I had made the decision to keep the baby. Oliver and I were overjoyed, just by the thought of raising a child, but we needed to break the news first.

We both inhaled and exhaled. He opened the door. Peter, Caspian and Susan looked as the door opened.

"Hello." I said shakily.

"Umm-" said Peter. "Hi?"

I walked to Peter and Susans side. "May I talk to you for a moment?" I asked.

Caspian overheard and he decided to leave the room.

"What is it?" asked Peter. "Is there a problem?"

Oliver smiled."Oh it's far from that-"

I gently nudged his hand and he stayed quiet.

"Peter... How old was mum when she had you?" I asked.

"I don't know... 27?" he answered. "Why?"

"And you're happy she had you, right? Or you would've never been able to become King of Narnia.."

"Yes. Of course."

"What if there was someone else who could reign after us?"

"The only person who would be able to do that is if Caspian had a child-" he stopped and looked at Susan.

Susan was looking at the floor but her face was incredibly red. Susan looked up and shook her head.

Peter exhaled, relieved. He then continued, "Or any of us which I doubt would happen..." He started to go into a state of deep thought. "Well not any of us... Edmund and Y/N... It's a possibility- I mean both of them-"

"Peter." I interrupted. I gently placed my hand on my stomach. Oliver placed his hand on my stomach, too.

Peter got the message and his eyes widened in shock.

"You- you're SIXTEEN!" he shouted. The whole castle practically shook.


"You disgusting pig..." He said, giving Oliver a revolted look.

He charged towards Oliver and grabbed him by the collar. "How could you do this?!"

Susan and I kept shouting Peter's name. But he was deaf and all he heard was his anger.

Edmund and Y/N came running into the room. Edmund immediately held Peter back, Y/N made a huge leaf appear in between both of them, a wall of some sort to separate them.

Y/N and I ran to Oliver's aid. His face filled with bruises and his lip bleeding.

The leaf was retracted back into Y/N's hand. Peter was struggling to get out of Edmund's grip.

The Island Princess (Edmund Pevensie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now