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I left my room to join the rest of the crew. I see them sitting in a circle around the bonfire with a few wingmen listening.

I went down to see what was happening.

I sat down next to Lucy and examined everyone's facial expression in the circle.  They seem to be serious.

"So where's the next place we should look?" asked Peter, who was talking to the wingmen's leader.

"What's going on?" I whispered to Lucy.

"According to their leader, the last place they've located the Island Queen was in an island after the Dark Islands." she explained.

"What's the name?" I asked her.

"There's no name? What's that supposed to mean?" Peter asked the wingman.

"Maybe it's in the map." Susan suggested.

The professor brought out the map and examined it.
A confused expression formed on his face as he examined it again.

"There is no island after the dark islands." The professor announced.

"What do you mean?" Peter said as he reached for the map.

Once he had a hold of it, he examined it and the same confused expression was drawn on his face. "Impossible.". He then looked at the leader of the wingman leader. "Are you sure you saw her there?" he asked. 

I then remembered when I was on the ship and the Wingman Cave just appeared on the map once we reached a close range... like it was hidden.  Maybe the island they're talking about is also hidden.

"May I have a look?" I asked Peter as I reached for the map. He passed it to me.

I examined the map. There really wasn't an island.

"Professor," I called, "Do you remember that time on the ship when I told you an island just appeared on the map?"

The old man thought a bit, "It must be like this cave. Hidden from the map." he explained

"I don't get it." said Lucy. We all looked at her.
"If all this is happening at the mainland and there was an Island Queen and Princess, why aren't they doing anything about it?".

Her question got all the brains in the room thinking. What she was saying was true.
It was silent for a bit more.

"We'll find out when we find her." Susan answered, hoping her answer was satisfactory enough.

It wasn't for me.

"Why do we have to look for her?" I answered. "She could be anywhere. It's so impractical that we're hopping from island to island when she could be doing the same thing."

"It's a wild goose chase." Edmund remarked.

"We're not only wasting time, but energy." I stated.

Everyone in the campfire weren't saying anything, but judging from their facial expressions, there were agreeing with me silently.

I looked at Peter who seemed to be having trouble looking for an answer. I know that he knew I was right.

"Maybe it's not all that impractical." claimed Tigris.
"We'll hop from island to Island and ask questions. What they've seen. We'll also be able to conclude how bad the situation is becoming."

"That's right!" exclaimed Susan. "We get to observe and get answers at the same time!"

We all looked over at Caspian who looked conflicted about everything; we all knew every passing second mattered to him because every second, he was away from his kingdom. Only his advisor was keeping the kingdom in shape.

The Island Princess (Edmund Pevensie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now