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I was sliding down water-filled tunnels made of stone. The tunnels were steep but the waters were very shallow. It was like I was riding a really steep amusement park water slide.

(A/N: Dunno if that was a thing back then but let's pretend it was ahaha)

I closed my eyes and landed in water. Deeper water. Knee length. I opened my eyes and I saw columns holding the cave together.

I was in a cave within a cave?

I walked further and gasped in astonishment..

I walked further and gasped in astonishment

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(credits to episode)

The cave up top was beautiful, but this one was just majestic.

I saw the wingmen hanging at the top of the cave, they were glowing. Like glow-in-the-dark bats.

"WhOOOooOaAAAAH!" said a voice from behind me.

I followed that voice, ending up in the same place where I landed and I saw Edmund.

"Edmund?" I asked.

"Y/N!" he exclaimed as he hugged me. I was a bit taken aback by his sudden action but I hugged him back anyway.

"How did you end up in here?" he asked me worriedly.

"I just fell in.. what about you?" I asked apathetically.

"I uh-" he rubbed his neck "I jumped in."

I laughed at his idiocy and he laughed with me.

"Come here I have something to show you.." I grabbed his arm and pulled him to that part of the cave.

"Whoa, what is this place?" He asked looking around.

"I think this is where the wingmen live."
I told him.

He looked around the cave in wonder.

Just then, a little wingman came to me and started circling me. It was inspecting me.

"Hey there." I waved at the wingman.

The wingman smiled and waved back at me.

Suddenly, three more wingmen joined the first one. They all circled and inspected me like the first one.

Edmund had a worried look on his face. I looked at him and smiled reassuring him that I was fine.

One wingman then did some kind of circle shaped gesture with it's hand. A ball of water, the size of a golf ball was lifted up into the air, levelling the wingman. I was amazed.

I looked at Edmund. He was just as shocked as I was.

Wingmen seem to have the power of manipulating the water.

I then got an idea.

I called the wingman over, he broke his focus and flied over to my face, I leaned in and whispered in his ear.

The Island Princess (Edmund Pevensie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now