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Warning: I will be deleting comments with story spoilers so if you're rereading the book, please don't spoil it for anyone. It ruins the suspense I tried to build up, and ruins the story overall for anyone who wanted to find out for themselves.

"This is so stupid" I whispered to myself as I boarded the bus.

If only my parents didn't divorce, maybe I could've gotten used to the idea of living with my father.

I had lived with my mother my whole life. She and my father had an agreement. She keeps me until I turn sixteen, then my father keeps me until I'm ready to live on my own. I just turned sixteen, two weeks ago. I had hoped to stay with my Aunt a bit longer.

Aunt. Not mother. My mother died two years ago, when I was fourteen. She went missing for two days and when she was found, she was dead frozen. Ever since then her sister took care of me, Aunt Maria.

Aunt Maria still kept with the agreement. She was like a mother to me. We had the closest bond. One I'm not ready to let go of.

I sit by the window leaving enough space for my aunt to sit beside me. I look outside, upset that I'm leaving my hometown. My friends, all my memories... I didn't want this.

My aunt noticed my obvious display of annoyance and disappointment.

"Now Y/N, don't be too disappointed. You and I can still communicate with each other." she reassures me as she strokes my hair. "You haven't seen your father in sixteen years! You should be excited!"

"I'd really prefer if I wouldn't have to. Maybe then I wouldn't complain." I complained, fiddling with my heart locket necklace that was given to me by my mother. Then shutting my eyes for a nap.


The bus slows down. The loud shouting of children and kids my age wake me up. I check outside and see all these kids in red and gray uniforms.
The bus comes to a sudden halt when this little girl no more than twelve years stands in front of the bus. The bus driver angrily shouts and she apologizes.

Then I notice she was also wearing that ugly and extremely dull uniform everyone else has on.

"Aunt Maria," I asked
"Yes dear?" She answers.
"Those kids... am I enrolling in their school" I asked hoping for her to say no.
"I think so. I'm not entirely sure."

The bus stops and we go down and Aunt Marie pulls me roughly so she doesn't loose me from the crowd.

I see a man, not so far away, who seems to be looking for someone. He sees me and waves in a very exaggerating way. Hes making me pretty uncomfortable.
The next thing I know, my aunt starts walking and his direction. Surprise surprise, it's my father.

10 P.M. Father's House

"Y/N!" he shouts.

Honestly. Who does he think he is?-
Well.. he's my father okay sure but we aren't close yet.

I run downstairs hoping he doesn't have to shout my name again.

"Ah, there you are. Are you ready to eat?" he asks.

"No, I'm a bit full. Thanks though." I say as I try to sneak back upstairs. Also, who eats dinner at 10pm?

"Oh come on Y/N. You've traveled far. Surely you must be hungry?"

"Hungry? No. I am tired though so maybe I should get to bed." I say, turning my back so he gets the message.

"Wait" he says. I face him so I could get this over with.

"What??" This time saying it louder because he just went from annoying to annoying.

"This is your uniform" he says while reaching for something behind his back.

No. No way. No no no no no.
Seriously? I'm going to that stupid school? I've researched about that in books and they're not all pretty.

"I'll leave it out here for you so you could change into it in the morning." He leaves to eat dinner.

Great. Just great.

I ran back up to my room, trying not to show that I was visibly disappointed.

You could say that I should've had a reason to hate that school, but I didn't. I just hated their uniforms. I also needed something else to hate, since this is the worst birthday week ever.

I locked the door behind me and took the heart locket necklace that was around my neck and unlocked it.

I opened the locket and saw my mother, father and I. I missed her. So much. Growing up without her has been so difficult. I was so desperate to have a mother figure, I practically allowed anyone to be a mom to me. Like my aunt.

Don't take this the wrong way. I love Aunt Maria. But when there's a gap missing in between, it's hard.

I wasn't able to say goodbye to my mother. She died after we had an argument. I regret fighting with her that day.

She left the house on a winter's night and I never saw her alive again. She froze to death.

From that day on, I tried to hate almost everything. Just to prevent me from hating myself.

I let a few years stream down my face before closing the locket and locking it around my neck again.

I opened my suitcase and reached for a photograph of my mother. Behind the picture she wrote: "You're more than who you think you are."

 Whenever I felt sad, I would read that message. But, I never really understood what she meant by that.

I put the photograph down and put it back in my suitcase.

Was I ready for tomorrow? No.

But did I have a choice?


A/N: HEY GUYS OKAY I KNOW ITS NOT GOOD BUT TRUST ME IM TRYING. It gets better when Edmund is in it! Just be patient!! Also, for the readers who came back because they got a notification that I updated, I'd like to inform you that I was just doing grammar corrections. Nothing major! I'd most likely be doing this to all chapters. :>

The Island Princess (Edmund Pevensie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now