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Narnia? I thought to myself. Everything didn't make sense. The gust of wind from the plank, me dropping from the sky. It seemed so surreal.

"This has got to be a dream. This just doesn't make sense." I say as I look around.

"I can assure you, Y/N this isn't a dream. It's 100% real." says Susan.

"But, it's impossible! There's got to be a scientific explanation for all of this." I say a bit annoyed.

"There just isn't. It's cool that way." says Edmund.

"Hm" I scoffed.

"Why did you follow us anyway?" Edmund asked, turning the heads of everyone else, curious of what my answer will be.

"I actually was just following you" I said looking at Edmund. "I wanted to return your pencil, but you left the classroom before I could give it back. So, I followed you." I explained as I took out the pencil from my pocket which was wet because of the fall. I gave the pencil back.

"So, how do we get back?" I asked, worried we might not be able even be able to.

"Well," said Peter, "Only Aslan can bring us back." while the others nod in agreement.

"Aslan? Who's he?" I asked.

"He's a really powerful lion! He's the king of Narnia." said Lucy.

A lion? Is she crazy? I decided to play along to get this over with

"Well then we've got to go to him!" I say determined to get home. I walk away from the group thinking of where to go as I walk. After all, I didn't know this place.

"Whoa, there" Edmund says stopping me in my tracks with my hand in his.

I shot him a dirty look. "What are you doing?" and pulled my hand away from his.

"You don't even know Narnia. How do you expect to get around?" he asked.

"Well," I say as I tried to think of a response. "Let's go and look for him!" I say defending myself.

"We can't" says Susan.

"What do you mean?" I say worriedly. I was getting anxious by the minute and I needed to get home.

"There's a reason we're here. We were called, by Susan's horn." explained Peter.

"A... horn?" I asked in disbelief. I stopped playing along because obviously these people were delusional.

"Yup" said Susan. "We also can't look for Aslan, he sort of finds us." she continued.

These people started to get on my nerves. This is no time for jokes.

I turned to Edmund hoping he wasn't as crazy as them. He looked back at me. "It sounds crazy right now, Y/N but I promise you, it's all true. We'll be able to get back home... eventually."

Edmund too? I started losing hope and believed I was the only one with a logical mind.

"What do you mean eventually? How long are we going to stay here?" I asked in annoyance, already expecting some crazy answer.

"We have to finish our mission, meet Aslan and then we go home." explained Peter.

"How long will that take? My father-" I said already starting to panic. I feel a hand on my back, it was Edmunds.

"Time stops there when we're here. Everything will go back to as it was when we return." said Edmund. I don't know why, but his calming voice and the gesture of his hand on my back comforted me. I snapped out of it remembering I had only known him for a day. I scooted away.

Suddenly, an arrow shoots out of nowhere, missing my face by mere inches. "Whoa" I say, a bit proud that I dodged.

"We're under attack!" yelled Peter. "Gather what you can to use as a weapon." he explains to the group and they obey. I did too since they were the only people I knew.

Two figures came out of the cave, their imaged cleared as their shadows faded. One tiger and one... dwarf?

"Back away if you don't want to get hurt!" said the tiger. Wait a second... the tiger was talking?! This really doesn't make sense. I've got to be dreaming.

"You talk?!" I whispered to myself.. or at least I thought I whispered. I actually shouted. Heads darted towards me after what I said.

Silence surrounded the air for a minute.

"Wait, hold your fire Tigris." said the dwarf as he squinted his eyes as if he was trying to make out their appearance.

"T-the k-kings and q-queens of o-old!" stuttered the dwarf, quickly bowing at his feet. The tiger bowed too.

Kings and queens of old? I asked myself. Were they referring to the Pevensies?

The tiger and dwarf looked at me. "And their servant?" said the dwarf.

I turned red. That statement insulted me. Servant? Who did this stump think he is?!

I marched angrily towards the dwarf, "Listen here you little mushroo-" 

"OKAY Y/N, easy." Peter blocked my way with his arm. I looked over at Edmund and saw he was giggling like a little schoolgirl.

Peter faced the two, "This is our... friend".
"Her name is Y/N." he continued.

"My apologies, ma'am." bowed the dwarf. "My name is Stumpton, at your service your majesties." the dwarf introduced himself.

Stumpton huh? Well what do ya' know?

"It's quite alright, although I'd very much prefer if you met the person before giving her labels." I said sassily at the dwarf. The Pevensies started giggling.

The dwarf scoffed.

Peter walked towards the dwarf "Who blew the horn?" he asked.

"The trees, plants and flowers are loosing life and color, your majesty. Aslan hasn't been here for centuries. I believe only the Island Princess can save us now." explained the talking tiger. I REPEAT: TALKING TIGER. A TIGER THAT TALKS.

"I still can't believe that tiger talks" I whispered. 

Susan heard me and chuckled. She walked to my direction "There are a lot of things about Narnia that will astonish you. So, you better get used to talking animals and dwarves." said Susan. 

We quietly laughed together.

I was ready for the worst.

The Island Princess (Edmund Pevensie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now