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a/n: Hi everyone! I just want to say that I'm so sorry for not updating for 2 weeks. I was so caught up in other and just didn't have time to continue this story. This chapter was made in between everything I was doing so I'm sorry if the mood of the story or the writing style kind of changes (yes that happens.). I still hope you enjoy the story. Love you all!

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Edmund and I went downstairs to join everyone else for dinner. Many servants and even people front he Telmarinian Court thanked and congratulated me. Boy, did my pride shoot up.

Edmund and I sat down, opposite sides.
The whole time, we were eyeing each other, not knowing when to ask them.

"So, Island Princess-" said Caspian.

"Huh?" I said, and turned to face him.

"Are you fully rested?" he asked. "The Narnians are asking when you can heal the forest... Once you are completely well, that is."

"Oh no, yeah- I'm alright." I answered. "I've kept them waiting for three days. I'll start tomorrow."

"Great. We have some business to take care of." said Peter, eyeing his siblings.

"Tomorrow? I'm going with Y/N." said Edmund.

"No, Ed. I'll be fine." I told him as I locked my fingers with his under the table.

The rest went back to eating their dinner and continued to talk amongst themselves.

"You ready?" asked Edmund.

"I guess.."

I cleared my throat to catch everyone's attention. The room became silent and all eyes shifted to us.

"So... what happens after the forest's life have been restored?" I asked.

They were all silent, looking for an answer. It seemed like they didn't know.

"Do we go back to Finchley, Peter?" asked Lucy. The expression on her face was obvious that she didn't want to leave and that she would gladly take no for an answer.

"Finchley? Whats a Finchley?" asked Oliver.

Peter looked at Lucy, not sure what to say either. "Lucy-"

"Where's Finchley?" Oliver asked again. "Is it in Narnia? The Lone Islands, perhaps?"

"I want to go back." said Susan. "Peter, we need to go back."

Caspian was upset, but he didn't make it obvious. Susan couldn't look at Caspian.

"No we dont-" said Lucy.

"What about me?" I asked. "I'm the Island Princess. A part of me lives here."

"Can't anybody hear me? What or where is this Finchley?" Oliver asked again. This time, even louder.

"Did you hear something?" asked Edmund, sarcastically.

Oliver rolled his eyes and I giggled at his joke.

Lucy shot Edmund a can-you-not look.

Lucy faced Oliver. "It's where we're from."

"Where is that?" asked Oliver.

"Not in Narnia." she said. "Think of it as a different world."

"A-and you're going back?" asked Oliver as he held Lucy's hand. He didn't want Lucy to go.

The Island Princess (Edmund Pevensie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now