~Chapter 26~

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Your tea had gone cold long ago, you now sat with a plate of sliced bread and some other extras. Vili was quite insistent that you ate with him, you didn't mind too much. He munched on his food, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips, he had already thanked you for the basket multiple times. 

"So you wanted to know about Ve ay?" he smiled everytime he said his younger brothers name

"If you wouldn't mind." you were definitely curious, more so than you would like to admit, but of course you didn't want to come across as nosey

"Ve always hated Father, he hated being born into royalty. I was what stopped him from running away, we were close, very close. After I was accused of that shit, he of course was sceptical about it. He didn't want to believe it was true and of course it wasn't. But alas after I left the Palace, I heard rumours that he'd disappeared. Being curious I asked a guard that was a good friend, he confirmed the rumours. Ve had left for good, I know why he did but I wish I was able to say something to him, when I left I didn't even think of how it would affect him, poor lad. Could be anywhere and of course after that Odin was definitely gonna be king, there was no one else who could. Ve was a kind soul, he never did anyone wrong and he was even nice to people who were rude to him. The gods weren't fair with Ve, he deserved the best." Vili sighed, clearly sad about his brothers disappearance

" Maybe he's living his best life now, somewhere in the nine realms." you spoke with a soft tone, not wanting to upset him further 

" If he's away from the Palace and me he's gotta be living a better life." he chuckled sadly, taking a bite out of his slice of bread 

" I wish I had more to say about him, but he was a very quiet lad, lively when alone with friends though." you smiled, Ve reminded you of Loki slightly, quiet and reserved but a joy to be around when alone 

"He sounds kind, I wish I was able to meet him." Vili nodded slowly

"Aye ye would of liked him, but no point in getting sad over it, he's happy now or so I like to think." you smiled softly at him nodding your head, you felt bad for him, Odin's actions have caused all this and it made you feel sick

"Anyway enough of that, Loki gave me a letter to give you, he seemed pretty insistent that only you read it and no one else." Vili chuckled, handing you a small envelope, you mumbled a thanks, too excited to say anything else. Vili left the room to give you some privacy, the envelope was gold for a change with a red wax seal, sealing the paper together. It seemed very fancy almost too fancy, you opened it delicately careful not to damage it at all

My dearest, Y/N 
No words can express how grateful I am of you, without you I would be lost. Everytime you're near me I feel at peace something I haven't felt in a while, although I fear things will only get worse. My father may be catching onto me and so I want to see you one last time, I do not wish for my father to take his rage out on you. We will figure something out, I must. Know that I am willing to step down from royalty to be with you, and if that is what it takes then so be it.  Please meet me back at Tungufljot in three days from now, do not reply to this letter, I only ask you come and see me. At 10pm sharp.

                                        Yours faithfully 

Your eyes became blurry, the thought of seeing Loki for the last time frightened you immensely. Must the world be so cruel, was this some sick joke the God we're playing on you. Remembering you were in Vilis house, you wiped your eyes slowly, life wasn't fair, you had done nothing to deserve this, and neither had Loki. Maybe the two of you were just not meant to be, perhaps there was another woman destined to love Loki, care for him better than you. The thought made you sad, a heavy feeling in your chest settled in. You head large footsteps snapping you out of your trance, Vili stood there an empathetic look on his face. 

"How about me and you go for a walk or something, I'm sure it would clear ya mind." he smiled offering you a hand, you happily accepted it, glad Vili was here to make you feel better even if he didn't know what was going on. 


A/N: and I'm back! Apologies for not updating for so long, I've been super busy. I've been practicing rollerskating again which is dope af😂, I hope everyone else is doing okay. Also tysm for over 700 reads! I honestly can't believe how fast it went up, I really appreciate all the support and I will try get back into regularly updating. Sorry this chapter was so short, I was having trouble thinking of the story for it and so it's kinda rushed. The story will resume its normal quality or whatever I promise, anyway I'll see you in the next chapter 💗💗

Stars in the sky || Loki x Reader !ON HOLD!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora