~Chapter 17~

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Exactly a week ago you were banned from ever stepping foot near Loki or the Palace. Your mother had made it her mission to be obnoxious and horrible to you. Saying you didn't deserve anything, you would stay in your room mostly, reading and writing small stories. To say your days were uneventful was an understatement, you were surprised you hadn't died from boredom yet. You laid on your bed, staring up at the ceiling, you wouldn't be surprised if Loki had already forgotten you and moved on, thinking of all the young beautiful women that surrounded him didn't help your mood at all. You could hear your mother from downstairs, moving around in the kitchen, most likely preparing dinner, a sigh escaped your mouth. You stood up and made your way downstairs, your mother looked up, smiling softly 

"I'm making your favourite." She gestured to the food in front of her, you gave her a confused look in return, why was she being nice to you? 

"Uh thanks I guess." you spoke hesitantly, waiting for her to shout at you, but it never came instead she continued to cook, humming a soft tune while doing so. You prepared the table and sat down quietly, taking a sip of water slowly as if your movements would make your mother mad. The smell of food filled the room, a rich scent wafting near you, almost making you lightheaded. Your mother filled your plate up with the food, smiling as doing so, she sat down with her own, directly in front of you. It had been a while since you and her had eaten together, usually she would move away and eat in a different room. 

"do you like it?" she asked casually, taking a spoonful of her own food

"Yes it's fine." you replied plainly, still confused at her actions, she sighed at your reply, placing her cutlery down and clasping her hands together

"I believe I've been a little too harsh on you." you looked up from your food, raising your eyebrow at her in disbelief 

"You think?" a little too harsh was a huge understatement 

"Well yes, okay I've been very harsh on you." She nodded her head slowly

"I wanted to apologise, you can't help who you love even if it is that other Prince." you frowned at her words, annoyed that she wouldn't even address Loki properly 

"It's Loki." your growled back slightly, not caring if you sounded rude now

"Right, right, right Loki, yes." Your mother waved her hand in the air as if she was swatting your comment away

"Anyway I'm sorry, I was mad but it gave me no excuse to treat you how I did." you gave your mother a questioning look, not believing a word she's saying 

"As I said, you love who you love, I can't stop you from that, if people didn't marry who they love, what kind of world would we live in? I've realised that now, and I understand if you don't forgive me." She offered you a soft smile, her eyes laying softly on your face

" It's too late now anyway. " you looked back down at your plate, tears filled your eyes slightly, thinking of Loki didn't help much

" Nothing is too late, something will happen, I just know it. As a apology I want to help with your healing abilities." You looked up at your mother, nodding quickly


Loki's POV:

He paced around his room, Y/N was the only thing on his mind, it had been like this all week. He knew where she lived but couldn't visit her, it infuriated him that his father ever thought of such a punishment. Did he not realise how much he loves you, it pained him to think that you would eventually move on from him. That you would find another man, who is much better than him, someone who could provide and be there for you. Just imagining you in another man's arm made him practically ooze with jealousy, it frustrated him that he never had the chance to bed you. The thought of your naked body beneath his, melting at his touch, made him more annoyed that you had been taken from him. If he ever saw you again, he would make sure to ravish you in every way, no matter the consequence. His mother had been very supportive of his feelings towards you, trying to convince his father to lift the punishment. Of course his father refused everytime, surprisingly even when Thor asked him, it disgusted Loki that even though he practically begged Odin, he still turned Loki down. He never thought that falling in love would be so hard and painful, perhaps he should of kept his distance from you. He remembered when he first bumped into you, he was immediately enticed by your beauty, the way your eyes glowed with the soft smile sat on your lips, the soft pink tint that would dust your cheeks when he would flirt with you. He missed you dearly, more than anything and he hated it, hated how you could cause so much pain to him unintentionally, he longed to see you again, to feel your lips on his, and he was going to do whatever he could to see you again. 


A/N: Again I'm so sorry for the late Chapter, I'm actually so frustrated that all my chapters have recently been shorter than a thousand words. Anyway I hope you all enjoy this, and I'll see you in the next chapter 🤗😘

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