~Chapter 20~

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You sat at the table, eating your breakfast with your mother, you planned on going to the library today, your mother had agreed to give you the day off. Ever since receiving a letter from Loki you found yourself smiling much more, you hoped he got it alright. It had been four days since you sent it, and now you waited eagerly for his response. Taking the last bite of your food, you stood up quickly, placing the plate on the counter. You looked out of the window that sat directly above the sink, the trees swaying about in the wind. Winter was drawing closer and so you had decided to wear warmer clothes today, a simple brown sweater with a just above knee length skirt complementing the look, it was only recently that women in Asgard started wearing more exposing clothes, above knee length skirts and dresses were considered short. Your mother had brought the skirt for you a while back but you refused to wear it, but since it went so well with your current outfit you tried it on, making sure to add stockings underneath. You grabbed your coat off its hanger, sliding it on with ease, the light beige colour mixing well with your sweater, the coats came lower than your skirt only by a bit, it was different to your normal style, but you liked it nonetheless. You looked in the mirror checking your hair, it was still neatly put up into a bun, a few strands framing your face even more

 You looked in the mirror checking your hair, it was still neatly put up into a bun, a few strands framing your face even more

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" You look gorgeous darling." your mother chuckled, handing you your small purse 

"I'm glad I got that skirt for you." You smiled softly, tying the belt of your coat before taking your purse from your mother

"Thank you, I will probably be out the whole day, you know how distracted I can get when in the library." you informed, patting your outfit down

"Yes I know, make sure you get something for dinner (as in lunch bc we're fancy🧐), I've given you some change so no excuses, be back before tea." You nodded, giving your mother a final hug before leaving your house. It wasn't a long walk to the library, about fifteen minutes at most, depending on how fast you were walking, although today you were practically sprinting. You hadn't been to any library in ages, scared that it would remind you too much of Loki, but now the two of you were talking again you didn't mind so much. The walk to the town library was quite dull during windy days like this, you hoped your hair wouldn't be a complete mess when you arrive at your destination. After about ten minutes of changing between speed walking and jogging you saw the library. A smile overtook your features, walking quickly you entered the small building, it hadn't changed much since you last came here. The bookshelves had been recently dusted and the floor sweeped, you love coming here early in the morning. The light pooling in from the window reminded you of the Palace's library, your smile saddened now wishing Loki was here with you. You browsed the shelves, not bumping into anyone, picking a book that caught your eye, you sat comfortably on a sofa located in the corner of the room. Reading quietly, absorbing all the words, you didn't even notice how fast the time went past. 

~Two hours later~
You closed the book, sighing softly, you just finished it, a bit disappointed with the ending but still satisfied. You stood up, looking over at the clock surprised to see how fast the time had gone by, shaking your head you went back to the bookshelves, finding the books rightful home. Your fingers brushed against the spins of the books reading them carefully, in a few hours you knew you would have to get something to eat, the local cafe sounded appealing right now, you furrowed your eyebrows, did you go to the wrong aisle? 

"Y/N?" An all too familiar voice sounded from behind you, you froze in your spot, afraid you were hearing things, it couldn't be could it? There was no way he was here, it was impossible. You turned around slowly, your eyes widening, when you saw him, a hood placed over his head, casting shadows on his features

"Loki?" it came out as a whisper, you couldn't believe your eyes, why was he here? He moved closer to you, his hands automatically grabbing your waists, he seemed to be as surprised as you

"Is that really you?" he asked quietly, a small smile forming at the corners of his mouth as he already knew the answer 

"Why are you here?" you asked, immediately regretting your choice of words, you didn't care why he was here at all! 

"You said in your letter that you would be going to the local library, my mother is grocery shopping today so I came along in hopes to see you, and well the Gods answered my prayers." he chuckled, his fingers twirling around a strand of your hair, causing a blush to form at your cheeks.

"I've missed you dearly." he stated, an annoyed expression taking over his face

"I know, and I've missed you, but you can't blame yourself." he scoffed at your words confusing you a little 

"I don't blame myself, it's Thor's fault." he rolled his eyes, clearly irritated 

"Do you know what we could do together if you were still in the Palace, we could-" you cut him off quickly 

"I would be married to Thor, unable to do anything with you, it is not his fault, this would of happened eventually." you smiled sadly, cupping Loki's face with one of your hands, he immediately leaned into your touch, his hands gripping your waist tightly 

"When I'm king I will welcome you back, you will be my Queen, I promise." his voice was soft, it saddened you even more, you knew he wasn't going to be king, that's why you were meant marry Thor, and you had the feeling he knew that too

"You're my king." you said softly, he looked down at you, his face soft, no cocky smirk, or teasing comment. Just a pained smile, his eyes more watery than usual, you turned slightly, slipping your book in a random area before turning back to Loki. You leaned forward, pressing your lips against him, holding onto the front of his cloak so he wouldn't run away. His eyes fluttered shut, your lips moving together with his in harmony, he pushed you softly, your back now pressing against the shelves, the wood digging into your skin. He pulled apart breathing heavily, his forehead connecting with yours

"If we were not in a public library, I would take you right here, and claim you mine." he growled quietly, pressing his body against you, you stopped breathing, the thought of that sent a shiver down your spine. His hands traced the patterns on the collar of your coat, his eyes roaming over your attire, most likely undressing you

" When will I see you again?" you spoke quickly, not wanting to ruin the moment 

"I do not know, maybe next week, I have to be careful, if I am not then my father will catch on." He looked sad again, you felt bad for asking such a stupid question, quickly you pulled him back down for a kiss, softly placing your lips on his in a tenderly fashion 

" You should probably go, so not to make it suspicious. " Your voice sounded strained, the both of you knew you didn't want him to leave 

"Yes your right, keep writing to me?" you nodded quickly in response 

"I love you." he kissed you again before letting you go, and quickly disappearing around the corner of the shelf

"I love you too." you called out, hoping he heard you, your stomach grumbled just as you turned around, sighing you picked up your purse from the floor, you must have dropped it at some point. Placing your hands in your pockets you felt something in them, pulling it out you saw a single envelope with two words written upon it. 

My love


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