~Chapter 19~

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It had been three days since Loki had sent Y/N that letter, getting no reply he assumed she was ignoring him. Or had something happened? Maybe she was hurt. Is her mother stopping her from contacting him? His thought caused immediate panic, he started to pace in his room, his now sweaty hands clasped together behind his back. He didn't hear his door open, or close, it was only when his brother spoke did he look up

"Loki?" Thor looked stressed, his hair dishevelled, his eyes more red than usual from lack of sleep, Odin was being quite hard on him, as he had kept asking for Y/N to return, and as much as Loki wanted you back he stopped asking when he knew his father would only ignore him. Thor however continued to ask, even after Odin had yelled at him, calling him a disgrace to even consider allowing you back in the Palace. Loki still blamed Thor for all of this, if he had kept his mouth shut then none of this would happen, it's funny how now he wants you back in his company, saying you are a 'great friend' when just a few weeks ago he was crying about how you and Loki had kissed. Pathetic, was the only word Loki could think of to describe it, Thor also does not beg his father as Loki practically did, no he demands that Y/N is welcomed back, pointing accusing fingers at Odin, and not hesitating to shout back. Loki sat on the end of his bed, he didn't want Thor to think he cared much for this whole situation, thinking he would be teased for it. So he always resumed a calm, uncaring attitude when someone else would be near him

"What is it Thor?" his words came out harsh, but he didn't apologise for it, just kept his gaze on Thor's face, trying to figure out why he was here

"she replied." Thor smiled softly,Loki couldn't help but stand up as soon as he heard the words leave his brothers lips

"Well where is it? Hand it over." He held his hand out impatiently, tapping his foot against the floor. Thor placed a envelope in his hand, a small drawing of a flower in the corner

"You didn't read it did you?" Loki snatched it out of his brothers hands, sitting down on his bed again 

"Of course not, Mother wanted me to deliver it to you." Thor chuckled at the end slightly, although Loki didn't find anything amusing right now

"Well if you done being an idiot you can get out." His words were bitter, but Thor understood why, he closed the door behind him leaving his brother alone. Loki sat on his bed, his pale fingers brushing over the small flower, feeling the indent Y/N had made with her pen, his hands trembled slightly. What happens if she was telling him she had found another? Or that she no longer cared about him? Did she blame him? His fingers fumbled to open it, slowly and with much hesitation to then pull out the paper that sat snugly in the envelope. 


I was thrilled to receive your letter, I was starting to worry that you had forgotten about me. It is soothing to know you still think of me, but please do not worry. I am quite well and my mother is now helping me with my healing abilities. Although I still miss you dearly, I am beginning to run out of books to read. I wish I had my own library, but I will most likely have to take a trip to the town's one. 

It is a shame that Odin will not have a change of heart, I do wish he would understand the whole situation, but we cannot change his mind. How is Thor, I wasn't sure if I should write him a letter, but of course it would be nice to receive one from him too. I hope your mother is well, it's a shame I was never able to practice my magic with her. 

I hope you are not worrying too much about me, I would hate to be the cause of your stress. I long to be next to you, but we both know that you running away from the Palace is not an option, your Father will surely have someone search for you. We must find another way, I love you dearly and hope we will see each other soon. 

Your love

You love him, you still love him! He couldn't help but smile, the fact that you still remembered him thrilled him immensely. He reread the letter, not believing his eyes, frowning slightly at the thought of Thor writing to you, there was no way he would allow Thor to do such a thing. You were his, and you were only writing to him not anyone else. An idea struck him, perhaps he could meet you in the local library, not planned of course, he would have to go there when his mother goes shopping, she preferred to do it herself than have a servant do it for her. He would just have to hope to see you, it was unlikely but it was something he was willing to try. He would have to thank his mother for allowing him to do this, if it were not for her he would not be able to contact you. He wasn't sure who was getting your letters first, the address was unlike any he had ever seen, when he asked his mother, she just said it was an old friend. Loki was definitely curious, but right now he didn't care, writing you a reply was much more important, he could worry about his mother's mystery friend later. The idea of potentially seeing you excited him, although he reminded him self that he may not, he couldn't help the stupid smile that appeared on his face. The idea of pressing you against the bookshelves and kissing you passionately made him a little too excited in a different way, he quickly stopped his trail of thought, grabbing a piece of plain parchment and his fountain pen, to then carefully write out his next letter. 


A/N: I actually had a lot of fun writing as Loki, tell me what u think of his POV, I wasn't sure exactly how to do it, so I hope I did okay. Also hope all u guys r well and healthy, and I'm here to talk if anyone needs. I love and appreciate u all so much, see u in the next chapter 💖💯

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