~Chapter 25~

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You knocked on the large wooden door, it's surface unpolished and rough. The door handle was rusting and the windows on the door had a dirty film across it. There was a loud thud from inside, you heard the door being unlocked, the rusty handle squeaking as it was turned. The door was opened widely by Vili, a grin appeared on his face as soon as he saw you. 

"Ah whatta pleasant surprise! Didn't think you'd come back at all." he gestured for you to come in, there was a musty smell to the place, one you would get when you didn't open the windows for a long time. The floorboards cracked underneath your weight, you wondered how they hadn't splintered and snapped with how heavy Vili must be, especially with his armor. 

"I wanted to thank you, for your er- hospitality I suppose and the fact that you have been passing along Loki and I's letters." you smiled, holding out the basket of food which he took from your hand delicately. 

"Thank ye lass, it's been a while since anyone has come to visit, well take ye coat off and come on in, I'm sure ye have questions and I'll be happy to answer them." his grin stretched across the features of his face as he moved further into the small house, shrugging off your coat you hung it on a wonky peg. Adjusting your scarf slightly before walking into the kitchen. Vili was busy boiling water and so you took a seat at the small dining table, the chair creaked slightly but held together. You took this time to take in your surroundings, the lights were dim even with a few candles littered around the place. The kitchen window was surprisingly clean, letting the sun beam through it and provide light to the front of the room. Slightly rusty pots and pans hung from the walls on old hooks, the counters too were clean, a small chopping board located at the end of the spotless surface. The rest of the rooms were hard to see, but you could make out the fireplace from where you sat and what you assumed was a bookshelf next to it. 

"I know it ain't much of a pretty sight but I prefer it to gold an glitter." his words held a heavy tone to them but he smiled nonetheless 

"It's nice, I like it." you wondered why he didn't live in the same luxury as his brother Odin, he was technically still royalty. 

"Hope ye like herbal tea because it's all I had." he placed a small steaming cup of tea in front of you, taking a seat opposite you with a sigh. 

"Thank you. I must ask and I apologise for any insensitivity I cause, but how come you do not live in the Palace with Odin?" he smiled softly with a hum, taking a sip of his tea

"Don't worry about offending me, ye ask away with ya questions, it has been a while since I've had a proper sit down with anyone." he scratched the side of his face, thinking where to start

"I assume you know of how Odin and Frigga met?" his tone held a small amount of humour as he remembered the events of what happened. 

"I do not actually." you leaned forward in interest, your hands holding the cup of tea he had given you. 

"I was meant to marry Frigga, Bor always favoured me even though I was the middle child. There was no denying that, it was unfair of course but I never complained, I was meant ta get the Throne, was gonna be king." he chuckled slightly whether in a bitter way or not you could not tell. 

"I see, please do continue." you found yourself wrapped with his story already, this was obviously something Odin didn't want anymore to know about, but then the question was why didn't he? 

"It was arranged marriage much like your own, I was young and foolish, I didn’t love Frigga, never like that. I remember Odin taking a liking to her, she too returned his affections, I could see even at that age she wasn't interested in me and that's when I realised I wasn't either. I let Odin be with Frigga although our father soon caught on, saying I was a disgrace to the Throne for leaving Odin and Frigga be. Ya see I wouldn't have minded, I was happy my brother was, but of course that wasn't enough for Odin, he wanted to be king and that meant eliminating me out the picture, so he got his hands dirty." Vili's features were pulled into a tight frown, he was clearly unhappy with what he was saying

" You don't have to continue if you don't want." you smiled softly, feeling bad for him

" No, no it's fine. Someone ought to know. I just remember feeling so betrayed as I stared at my brother, except now he wasn't my brother, no he was hungry for power, a monster. Of course the eldest was usually meant to be the king but I had earned my place in being second in line to the Throne. The best fighter in Asgard, yet now you only hear stories, and most don't even know my name. My father loved Frigga like his own daughter, he always wanted one and Odin took advantage of that. He told Bor that I had forced myself upon her, used and abused her. The lying piece of filth, I never-would never do such a thing to a lady, but alas my father believed Odin's lie, all because of one damn graze on her leg. They were messing about in the garden, she got scratched by a thorn bush or whatever but he told my father I did it with a knife. I didn't believe my father would be so foolish to believe him but again I was proved wrong. I remember it clear as day he turned to me and said 'son why'd ya do it hmm? Why did ya have to go off and mess everything up.' there was no point arguing with the old man, I tried and he only shut me down and so I left the Palace, leaving that shit lifestyle behind. Ended me up in Vanaheim where I spent most of ma days. Found a pretty lady, had a child, a small girl, beautiful little thing. But I had ta leave, didn't want to of course, it was best for them both and the mother understood that. Found myself a place here, brought it off an old woman and when Frigga reached out to me asking for help, well I couldn't say no. Especially when it was for my nephew that I didn't even know I had." he ran his hand over his face, another sigh escaping his lips, yet you were still slightly confused 

" How did Frigga not know that you were falsely accused, surely she was not involved too." Vili laughed loudly, the chair he sat on creaking just as loud

"No, no, no, of course she wasn't. She didn't know about it, Odin never told her and as for my father well he passed away soon after. I found it a bit coincidental, suspecting Odin had something to do with his death but with no proof my word is useless." he smiled weakly, you wondered why he hadn't just told Frigga what was going on, surely then the whole thing could of been resolved. 

" And why not tell Frigga?" you tilted your head slightly, taking a sip of your semi cold tea

"Because why ruin her relationship? She was happy and I'm not the type of guy to be the cause of separation. Odin treats her well, and it looks like she's the only person he treats well." you nodded in understanding, respecting Vili so much more than before. 

" That's noble of you." you complimented with a smile

" Well, it's not her fault that Odin's such a prick." you laughed at that, it was true and this conversation had made you hate him even more. 

"What about Ve?" you were interested in how the youngest of the siblings was not really involved in the story, Vili clasped his hands together, grinning. 

"Well where do I begin." 


A/N: okay so Vili's story is of course not strictly following the norse mythology one, but I wanted to thicken the plot much more and add new but original characters. I apologise for the lack of Loki in this chapter but he will be coming back I promise, this chapter was just to build more of a storyline so I hope you enjoyed it. ❤️🦋😌

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