~Chapter 11~

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You laid your head on Loki's shoulder, peacefully reading together, his arm wrapped around your waist as his other hand held his book, he would place a kiss to your temple every few minutes, smiling down at you, causing you to blush, you enjoyed being with him but of course all good things must come to and end, as your stomach was starting to growl in hunger

"Loki, I'm going to go get some food, I'm quite hungry." you said placing your book down, Loki's grip on you tightened, but he said nothing 

"Loki I'm hungry." you laughed, now struggling to get out of his iron grip, he hummed in response, still reading his book, so you snatched it out of his hands, closings it and smiling widely 

"That wasn't very nice." he purred near your ear, making it even more difficult to go get food

"Seriously, I'm starving, come with me if you must, I'm not leaving forever." you sighed, he finally let you go, mumbling something about not being able to hold you enough, you grabbed his hands leading him to the dining hall, food was already placed out for the midday meal, and just the smell of it was making you stomach impatient. Sitting down you grabbed a plate of F/F, Loki taking a seat next to you, his hand resting on your thigh, both your feet touching. It was peaceful at first, the distant chatter of other people in the room, you could see the warrior three and Lady Sif sitting across the room, laughing and talking amongst themselves. Thankfully there was no sign of Thor and as if Loki read your mind he spoke

"My oaf of a brother should be bed ridden all day, he drank an awful amount of alcohol last night, I heard that he could barely stand." he sniggered at the thought, earning a small chuckle from you which made his face change to a proud expression, happy that he was able to make you laugh. His eyes roamed over your face, his lips pulling into a smirk, looking at the scarf you wore, loosely draped over your shoulders, in order to cover the mark he left on you. Excitement surged through him at the thought of you being his and only his, something that he could have without his brother taking it from him, no this time he would take something away from Thor. He liked you far too much to let you marry his idiotic brother, his heart ached at the thought of you having Thor's children, the fact that you would be bedded by him made Loki's blood boil. He felt a soft hand on his, snapping him out of his thoughts, he looked over at you, wanting nothing more than to kiss you here and show the whole of Asgard who you really loved. 

"Did you hear that Lady that was just talking, your mother wants to see you Loki." your E/C eyes locked with his, a soft smile on your lips, Loki sighed frustratedly 

"I won't go, I will stay with you." his grip on your thigh tightened, making your cheeks heat up, although you did want to spend the whole day with him, you knew that whatever his mother wanted must be important 

"No you go, I will be fine. I should probably check on Thor anyway, so not to raise suspicion." you shook your head while talking, you knew that if you did not visit Thor, people would ask questions

"I do not like the sound of that." Loki growled slightly, hating the idea of you caring for Thor and not him

"I know, but I can probably cure his hangover, it was the first thing I ever learnt, it is not too hard and so it should work. I promise we will spend the night together." you smiled taking his hand off your thigh and holding it in your own

"Fine, I will find you tonight." Loki sighed in defeat, both of you stood up, walking out of the dining room, the halls of the Palace now had a warm glow to them, you sighed, not liking the idea of staying with Thor. Loki took your hand, squeezing it gently 

" I apologise for this, I will try be as fast as possible, I look forward to our night together." as he spoke he leaned closer to you, not letting you reply as he pressed his lips against yours, pulling away and leaving you speechless. He chuckled lowly, walking away from you, before turning the corner sending you a wink, then he was gone. You already missed him, begrudgingly you made your way to Thor's room, knocking on the door loudly. You heard him grumble something from the other side, taking that as a sign to enter, you opened the door, immediately hit by the smell of alcohol, so strong that it almost made you gag. You closed the door, now breathing out your mouth, Thor laid on his bed, shirtless and hair messy, although seeing him like this did not make you flustered if anything you felt awkward 

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