~Chapter 21~

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You sat in a small cafe near the library, after Loki had left you found yourself feeling quite hungry, with a small plate of F/F and a cup of F/D, you sat at a two seated table in the corner of the cafe. In your hands you held the envelope you had found in your pocket, your fingers running over the smooth surface, just as you were going to open it you heard your name being called, you put the envelope back in in your coat, looking around you saw no one, so you dismissed the thought

"Y/N!" Looking up you saw Thor bounding over to you, no cloak hiding his face, your face lit up at seeing him, it was good to see a friend. He came over, sitting on the seat in front of you, his grin never fading

"I knew I saw you! How are you? Loki misses you dearly, so do I." he rambled his eyes bright with joy as he said every word, you smiled softly, waiting for him to calm down

"I'm fine, I miss you both too, very much." Thor's face dropped slightly, you could see how tired he was, he ran a hand over his face sighing loudly, the change of emotion confused you greatly 

"Father will not let you return no matter what me and Loki do, he refuses, even to our mother. I do not understand why he does not welcome you back, he is creating a bad relationship with me, and Loki especially." Thor places his hands on the table, his eyes have saddened, the usual sparkle to them gone

" You've done all you can, and I'm grateful for that, but there is nothing else you can do Thor. The All Father has spoken, his word was final. " you spoke softly, the whole time Thor shook his head

"Nonsense." he spat

"Thor it's fin-" he cut you off, slamming his fist on the table, causing people to look over. Your F/D spilt over the brim of the cup, making you flinch slightly 

"He is being unreasonable, yet you still address him as the All Father! What kind of Father denies his own son of love, and his other of a friend. I love my father dearly but this is one thing I will resent him for, Mark my words Y/N." it shocked you that Thor would speak of his father this way, he looked up to him, you couldn't imagine what happened between him and Odin

" Thor please. " you weren't sure what you were pleading for, it hurt you immensely to see Thor like this, what must Loki feel? You knew he kept his emotions bottled up, whereas Thor expressed them freely. 

"I apologise Y/N, I haven't had a good night of sleep in a while, I am rather restless." Thor seemed to shrink in size, as he pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes closed. You couldn't believe how much he seemed to care for your absence, and you couldn't help but feel bad for Loki, where was he right now anyway?

" It's okay Thor, but please stop, I do not want to be the reason for your restlessness." you placed your hand over his, he laughed at your statement, making you raise your eyebrows in confusion 

"You Y/N are not the reason for my restlessness, it is my father, and he could easily resolve the problem but he refuses." Thor laughed again, this time in a mocking manner, shaking his head

"Loki is worse than me, he eats very little, and I doubt he sleeps much. He refuses to talk to anyone, except our mother and sometimes me though not often." You found yourself even more angry with Odin, not because he banished you from the Palace but because he lets his sons go through such horrible experiences 

" Thor! " you could hear someone yell for the man that sat in front of you, he groaned in annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose again

"Thor what are yo-" You looked up seeing Loki again, still wearing the cloak from earlier, however his eyes didn't meet yours instead on your hand that still laid over Thors. You pulled your hand away, hoping he wouldn't overreact 

"Not now brother." Thor waved his hand near Loki's face, who scrunched up his nose in response 

"Yes now Thor, Mother wants us." he replied bitterly, pushing Thor's hand out of his face

"Very well, it was good to see you again Lady Y/N, I will miss you dearly." Thor grabbed your hand, kissing it gently before unnecessarily pushing past Loki and leaving the cafe. You looked up at Loki, who had a unimpressed look on his face, you sighed quietly 

" What was that about? " He asked, now looking straight in your eyes

"What was what about Loki?" you really prayed he wouldn't overreact 

"Don't act stupid Y/N."

"He was telling me about your father, and about you." you looked up at him, his eyes on you like a hawk tracking its prey

"And why did you let him kiss you?" he raised his eyebrows, his gaze flicking down to your hand

"He kissed my hand Loki, it's a polite gesture, people are allowed to touch me, it's not illegal." you started to grow annoyed, was he always this possessive? Or was it caused by the recent events? 

"Did you read my letter?" he dismissed your last comment completely 

"Not yet." you sighed softly, standing up from your seat and embracing him

"I love you and only you, you know that right?" you rested his head against his chest, hearing his heartbeat faintly 

"Sorry, I just- I just feel like because of our time apart you will find another." he sighed resting his head on yours

"Don't think that." you spoke firmly, pulling away from the embrace 

"Now you should probably go, and eat something and get some sleep too." you kissed him gently on the cheek, but he captured you face with his hand, pressing his lips against yours

"see you soon I hope." he spoke quickly, you nodded and watched him hurriedly leave the cafe, you sat back on your chair, looking through your pocket until you found the envelope again. You opened the envelope quickly, your heart racing with excitement, you couldn't help but smile widely, taking the letter out carefully and unfolding it

34 Tungufljot
Meet me here at 12pm tomorrow night 
There is a small gravel path leading to the location, ask the old lady in the post office for directions, I have informed her to be outside before midnight. 


A/N: Okay first I want to say TYSM FOR OVER 400 VIEWS!!!! I'm so happy, I never thought I'd reach this many!

Also if you have any ideas or requests for future stories don't hesitate to tell me. Anyway until next time 💖✌️

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