~Chapter 7~

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You sat with Loki eating breakfast when Thor came bounding over, smacking Loki on the back and almost making him choke on his food, which earned him a deadly glare that he seemed to take no notice of. Thor pulled you up from your chair into a crushing embrace, returning the gesture, you must admit his loud and bubbly attitude seemed to be contagious, as you found yourself smiling for no apparent reason 

"I have returned from my journey, I have many tales to tell you." He boasted, causing Loki to roll his eyes

"I look forward to hearing them." you said, not too enthusiastically, you hoped they would be interesting and not all about him. 

"I hope you did not miss me too much, Loki can be boring company." he said laughing, obviously meaning it as a joke, you saw the flash of hurt in Loki's eyes, but it soon went away as he sneered at his brother 

"And you think you are any better?" he spat, quickly you stepped in

"Loki was wonderful company, me and him have a lot in common." you stated with a smile, Thor turned his attention to you smiling 

"Well I hope me and you have much more in common than Loki." you nodded slightly, silently disagreeing wholeheartedly with his statement 

"Oh he showed me the garden too, it was wonderful." you beamed remembering last night, you looked over to Loki who looked slightly proud of himself, but still smiling at you

"Well there is much more I can show you" Thor wiggled his eyebrow at you, causing you to blush in embarrassment, if he was implying what you think he was, you were disgusted to say the least, Loki cleared his throat, now standing next to you. 

"I will take my leave now, enjoy your day with my brother lady Y/N, I hope to see you again." he pressed a kiss to your hand, bowed his head slightly and walked off, disappearing behind the huge doors, leaving you alone with the God of Thunder. 

-Smol timeskip-
You sat in the dining room, listening to Thor and his friends, well really you were just pretending to listen, nodding your head during Thor's 'heroic' story, you were reading while he went on, trying to take in every word. Unfortunately Loki had another lesson with his mother, and so you had to endure whatever torture the Gods had placed upon you. 

"Lady Y/N, are you listening?" Thor asked, poking at your side, startling you, causing you to lose your place on the page you were reading

"Yes, of course please go on." you said, now looking at him out of kindness 

"I already finished, I asked you what you thought." he explained, a hopeful expression on his face

"I'm uh yes of course, it was definitely heroic of you, I'm impressed." you lied, feeling a little bad for not actually listening

"Well I have done many braver things than this, like that one time in-" Thor was cut off by the door opening, Lady Sif walked in, her armour looking freshly polished, her hair was down as usual, her skin glowing, just being in the same room as her made you feel slightly self conscious. 

" Hope I'm not interrupting anything." She says with a smile, although it did not seem friendly, if anything the opposite. 

"No, no of course not, I was just telling Y/N about our journey!" Thor replied loudly, causing you to move away from him slightly 

"Well it is getting late, so I think it is best for all of us to turn in early, we have had a long two days." She narrowed her eyes when looking at you

"I would like to quickly talk with Y/N, if that's alright." she added quickly, returning her gaze back to Thor

"Of course, I will see you tomorrow Lady Y/N." Thor said, smacking your shoulder, causing you to lurch forward slightly. He walked swiftly out of the room, making his cape swish about a little more than necessary. Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg followed closely behind him, leaving you alone with Lady Sif, you stood up, drawing yourself up to look a little more confident. 

"You wanted to talk to me?" You asked, surprised you did not stutter

"Yes, I'm going to be forward here, I don't like you, but Thor does, he thinks you are fit to be his queen, I disagree wholeheartedly. I know you were talking with Loki, and I recommend you do not, it's a shame Odin allocated such a naive foolish little girl. " Her voice was cold, looking down at you. You glared at her, not going to take her foul words lightly

" Well I apologise if I am not you, but I think you will find I am here against my will, and no I will not stop speaking to Loki, he's the only smart one among you imbeciles, so please do not talk to me until you have learnt how to read." not giving her a chance to reply, you push past her, waiting for her to hit you or something, but it never comes and you leave the room, proud of yourself. You quickly walked down the halls, still angry at Sif, pushing the doors to the garden open, you immediately calmed as the fresh air blew across your face, you stopped when you saw Loki, looking over the water, his hands behind his back, his breathing inaudible. You took quick steps towards him, overjoyed to see him again, he turned at the sound you feet made against the cobbled ground, a small smile appeared on his face

"How was your day Lady Y/N." you stood next to him, grinning like an idiot, although you didn't care, you were just glad you got to see him

"Quite boring, I had to listen to Thor tell me of his adventure." you said, rolling your eyes slightly, Loki chuckled in response, shaking his head slightly

"I feel bad for you, if I had known I would of come and saved you." he joked slightly, causing a small laugh from you

"My hero." you smiled, although the thought of being rescued by Loki did sound quite attractive 

"Well I apologise for my absence once again, although I have a free day tomorrow, I was hoping you would like to accompany me that day." he asked, now looking back at the fountain 

"Of course, I would love to." you looked over at the fountain, seeing the stars reflect on the water's surface. 

"It is getting late, perhaps we should both retire to our Chambers, please allow me to escort you." Loki offered you his arm, which you all too quickly took, walking back down the halls of the Palace in a comfortable silence, excited for the next day. 

A/N: Apologises for not posting yesterday, thank you all for reading this and tysm for the votes LizzieS04 I appreciate all ur support and love u all, see u in the next chapter 💕😊

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