~Chapter 22~

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The night came slowly the following day, you tried to keep yourself busy with books and lessons, but your mother had to end it early. She had needed to buy more food, now the shelves were fully stocked and the sun had set. The stars sparkled in the sky, a cold crisp breeze blowing in from outside. You were unsure how long your walk would take and so you decided to leave an hour early, not wanting to be a minute late. You wondered what you would and Loki would do tonight, making sure to wear your coat, your mother had retired to her Chambers, you knew it was bad to sneak out but you also knew your mother would never let you go. Opening the door quietly, you slipped out, a cool breeze of air immediately hit your face. Closing and locking the door you held a small lantern in your hands, illuminating the path in front of you. Your other hand slipped into the warmth of your pocket, the only sound was the bristling noise the trees made as their leaves brushed together and your shoes scratching against the sandy path. The wind was harsh causing you to move quickly, you could see the outline of the post office, gripping the handle of your lantern even harder, you jogged to the building, seeing the figure of the old woman that owned the shop. 

"Ah there you are." She smiled, the light you held illuminating her features

"I'm not late am I?" you began to worry, what happens if you didn't make it on time? 

"No, no dear. You're quite on time, let me walk with you awhile." She looped her arm with yours for support, you weren't sure if someone so frail should even be moving at all. She started to walk leading you on, you were happy for her help, you would of gotten lost back here. The path was small and barely visible, dark tall trees loomed over it, casting eerie shadows around you. 

"It has been awhile since I walked this path." the old woman spoke softly, her eyes glued to the path ahead, she knew this place well

"I was surprised when the Queen came to me, telling me to lead you to that address, one I haven't seen in some time." She chuckled slightly, shaking her head

"How do you know of it?" you asked curiously

"Why, it was where the king and Queen used to meet in their youth, I used to own the house near there, but moved to the town to work at the post office when my mother passed." a smile ghosted her lips, how old was this woman? Who owned the house now? Why had Loki given you that address for sending him letters? Who was giving him the letters? Why had Frigga and Odin met at this place? Questions swam through your mind, there were too many to voice only one, and so you decided to keep quiet. The woman suddenly stopped, taking her arm away from yours

"Just follow this path, you will find a gate, there the young Prince should be." She spoke clearly, making sure you heard her words, pushing you along softly

"Thank you." you walked along the path, the old woman's footsteps grew fainter, a small wooden gate sat ahead of you, speeding up you pushed it open. The path disappeared into grass, little fairy lights hung from wooden posts, illuminating the area. As you made your way down that path the outline of a person became more visible, you could easily recognise who it was, your walk turned into a sprint as you lunged yourself at the person who swiftly caught you, your arm still outstretched so not to hit them in the head with your lantern 

"Well someone is excited to see me." Loki purred in your ear, sending shivers down your body

"I missed you." you spoke quietly, too scared that this might only be a dream 

"And I missed you, more than anything in the nine realms." he spoke into your hair, breathing in your scent

"You got here okay? No injuries or nothing?" Loki pulled away holding you at arm's length as he checked you over, clearly satisfied. His fingers intertwined with yours, pulling you along silently, you didn't even need your lantern anymore, the little lights that hang above your head provided enough. Allowing you to see Loki perfectly, he wore his normal attire just without his horned helmet, he didn't seem bothered by the nippy air that surrounded the both of you. He stopped abruptly making you bump into him, but something about the smirk on his face made you think he knew that you would do that. Muttering an apology you looked over his shoulder, a small open shelter stood, it's wood creaking in the wind, Loki pulled you inside, grabbing a blanket that was thrown into the corner, wrapping it around you both. It was only now you realised how cold Loki's hand really was, now worried that he might get sick

"Why are you so cold?" the concern in your voice was prominent and for some reason it made Loki's heart swell, you cared about him and that's all he cared about 

"I'm not sure, it's always been like this. The cold doesn't affect me." he shrugged, you looked up at his face slowly, nodding but still not understanding. Something didn't add up but you decided to drop it, you didn't want to ruin this night

"Apparently your mother and father used to come here when they were young." you stroked your fingers along his hand, trying to warm it up

"Yes I heard, although that was long ago, and I know not why." he looked up at the sky, the shelter shielding you from the wind a little. He looked back down at you, his eyes locking with yours. For a while he just stared, which made you squirm a little 

"Loki?" as soon as his name left your lips he was upon you, his lips on yours, leaning over you. Your back laid against the hardwood, the blanket sliding off most of your body

"Y/N?" he asked breathlessly, leaning his forehead against yours softly 


"You know I love you?" you raised an eyebrow, why was he asking such a question? 


"More than anything in the nine realms." he sat up slightly, now straddling your hips

"Loki what are you trying to say?" 

"I would do anything to protect you." you couldn't make out his facial expression in the dark

"But what ar-" 

"And I would never hurt you, for if I did I would hurt myself in doing so." his hands grabbed yours lifting them above your head, making you even more confused 

"I don't understand where this is going." 

"I love you so much that it scares me." you go to open your mouth but he stops you, placing a finger on your lips. He leaned down capturing your lips in his, his hands carefully undoing the belt on your coat. Sitting up you slipped it off, the cold air immediately attacking your skin, his hands came to the back of your dress pulling the zipper down. His lips still on yours, your hands tangled in his hair, tugging it as his tongue entered your mouth. The top of your dress fell off your shoulders, now desperate to get it off you let go of Loki's hair, pulling the dress down and off your legs, which proved a little difficult. His hands gently ran down your shoulders, sending a tickling sensation down your arms. He pulled his shirt (or whatever its called in Asgard) off, his toned chest heaving in the pale lights, your lantern sat in the corner of the open shelter, casting small shadows around the two of you. He removed his trousers swiftly while your eyes were glued to the top half of his body. Your hands traced his abs, his ghosted the sides of your body, stopping when they got to your bra. Capturing your lips in another kiss he pulls you forward, unclipping them quickly. You knew what was going to happen next, and you couldn't wait, anticipation grew in you, remembering what he wrote in his letter "I dream of the day I can hold you once again, stare into your eyes and claim you mine."  your mind went blank, you didn't even notice him remove your last piece of clothing. His eyes never left yours as he now was bare in front of you too. His hands caressed all of your body leaving no place untouched, the cool air blew against you both as Loki ravished you like no man ever had. 


A/N: I wasn't too sure about this chapter but proof reading it has made me like it more, I added a more steamy bit at the end to spice things up a little😏 Although didn't go the whole way as I wanted to leave it to the readers imagination😉

I hope everyone is doing well, and I will see you in the next chapter!❤️❤️

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