Chapter 21: Revealed

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Narrator POV

Natsu and Happy came bursting through the wall. Natsu saw both Lucy and Y/n. Upon seeing both their states he demanded Gajeel release them but Gajeel refused.

This made Natsu extremely furious and he engaged Gajeel in battle. As Natsu and Gajeel we're fighting, Y/n woke up.


There was a lot of pounding and then clancking. It sounded like fireworks. My eyes feel heavy I can't open them so I can't see, but I can smell them. I know they're here, I can't let them see me like this. It feels like I'm chained up against the wall with all of my 9 Tails showing like some kind of trophy or something. Okay, I just have to open my eyes. After that I can try and see if I can figure a way out to escape. Come Y/n, just open your eyes. One the count of three.





I tried my hardest but I just couldn't do it. I heard a big bang as if someone was just thrown to the floor. Then the sound of metal clanking. Must be the damn porcupine.

Okay. Let's try this again. Just open your eyes. You know how, you've been doing it your whole life. My eyes started opening but my vision was hazy. See? See? There ya go. Now focus. Ha! Yes ! It's working!

I looked around surveying my surroundings. I saw Lucy, Happy, some and some Horse dude. Then I saw Gajeel eating some metal and Natsu on the other side of the room.

No. I can't let them see me like this. But it's too late now. I never meant for anyone to find out this way. I never even wanted to break the seal. They'll probably kick me out of the guild.

I felt something wet flow down my cheek. Is that a tear? I didn't even know I was capable of crying.

"Hey," Natsu caught my attention. I looked over to him but he looked pretty beat. "I hope those tears aren't cause you think we're gonna kick you out of the guild cause you're a demon or nothin," he took me by surprise. "Aye, you're part of Fairy Tail, which means you're family," Happy chimed in. "And family stick together no matter what, and the same goes for the rest of the guild!" Lucy added. They all gave me smiles and this made my tears stop.

I can't believe all this time I was worried for nothing. I was blinded by my own insecurities and I couldn't see the loving family I made in Fairy Tail.

"Gehe, that was sappy," the porcupine interrupted. He then attacked Natsu. No! He looked beaten up already. He won't be able to take any more! "Would you look at that, looks like Phantom won, we destroyed your guild," what?! No! The guild is gone?

I used my dragon eyes to see if he was I telling the truth and he was. The whole guild was wrecked. I mean it was completely destroyed. I saw everyone else in the guild fighting some ghost looking things but they kept multiplying. Everyone in the guild is starting to reach their limit.

No. No. No.

This can't be happening.


I can't let the guild fall. I can't let Natsu get hurt! I made a promise! I have to help them!


The guild is my family! It may have taken me some time to realize it but I love them!


And I love him!

"No!" I yelled as I thrashed against the cuffs. They began electrocuting me, "Gah!" I yelled out in pain. I heard voices in the distance but I couldn't focus on them. I was too angry. I can't let this stupid fear get it my way. Not when my guild has been destroyed. When so many people have been hurt. 'I have to get out of here dammit' I thought to myself as I thrashed around to break off the chains forcefully but all I managed to do was electrocute myself.

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