Chapter 12: Breaking the Moon

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In the middle of the fight between Lyon and Gray, the whole temple started moving and Deliora broke free. The whole building fell to rubble. Natsu was of course standing in the middle of the rubble.

"How did you get down here?" I asked him. I mean I don't even know how I got down here. I mean one second I was eating ice and the next I was sitting in the middle of a pool.

Lyon started crawling towards Deliora talking about defeating it but he could barely even crawl. Gray knocked him unconscious and Deliora's roar was heard throughout the whole cavern.

"I'll clean up the mess you made," Gray said as he got in the Iced Shell position and started casting it. Natsu got in between Gray and Deliora, "Let me handle this," Natsu told Gray, "Don't be stupid just get out of my way!" Gray yelled at him. "If I didn't let you do it before, why would I let you do it now? I'm not gonna let you go out like that, go ahead and cast the spell, but I'm not moving," Natsu yelled back. They're both stupid.

I created ice chains form both my hands and shot them towards Gray and Natsu. The chain from my left hand wrapped around Natsu and the chain from my right wrapped around Gray, "You're both stupid!" I yelled as I flung them both to a nearby wall.

I walked over to them and by the time I got there they were both up. "You!" I said pointing at Natsu, "Don't go walking in from of spells you know can imprison you for years! What do you think we just got Moon Drip lying all over the place? And you," I said pointing at Gray, "Don't go casting spells that will kill you! The only one allowed to die around here is Deliora and if you guys would have been paying attention instead of trying to die you would have noticed that its way past its expiration date too! One hit and it's dead!" Ugh, why do my best friends have to be so stupid! I thought frustration as I hit Deliora with the strongest dragon roar I could muster in the heat of the moment.

In the end, all of the team met together outside the temple and Gray helped Lyon get medical help, so he basically just dumped Lyon on me. I was fixing him up when I saw Natsu jumping up and down in content screaming about how he finished an S class quest even though he didn't. Then Lucy asked if the Master will let her on the second floor.

Erza then stared at them with such force that even I felt it and hid behind Lyon, and I don't even know the guy! "Oh no! We're still getting punished huh?" Lucy asked. I finished up bandaging Lyon and I walked over to where everyone else was.

"Yes that, but also we didn't complete the request. The villagers asked us to lift the curse and fix their monster-like state and destroy the Moon," I explained. "But Deliora is dead so the curse should be lifted now," Lucy chimed in. "Wrong, Deliora might be gone but the villagers are reacting to the intensity of the Moon Drip spell at least that's my working theory," I further explained.

We then asked Lyon if he knew how to fix them but he didn't either. In fact, he hadn't had contact with the villagers at all in 3 years. That's strange I mean a giant beam of light was pretty noticeable from the village.

With that, we made our way back to the makeshift camp but it turns out someone fixed the entire village. I walked around and saw Lucy talking to the Village chief as he asked her when we were gonna destroy the Moon. Erza joined with the words ''destroying the moon is but a simple task'' but she definitely should not have worded it that way. Erza called forth a meeting to be attended by the entire village.

Erza was walking and talking to the villagers when I noticed Lucy's pit trap was also back and she was about to walk into it, "Erza!" I warned but it was too late. Well, that's what you get for trying to look cool and walking with your eyes closed. She yelped like a little girl, hah! It really did catch her by surprise. She got up and continued talking like it dint even happen. Of course, she would just ignore it.

She asked the villagers about the beam of light and why they didn't investigate which is when the villagers decided to tell us the whole truth. Apparently, they did go but every time they tried they would magically transport back to the village gates. Ooooohhhh okay, that's what's happening.

Erza requiped into her Giant armor and took out her Spear of Haja then asked Natsu for a boost. "They don't really think they're gonna pull this off do they?" Gray asked in complete disbelief, "Well I think they've really gone off the deep end this time," Lucy agreed using the same tone of voice. I giggled. "What's so funny?" Gray asked as he noticed my giggling. "Just watch," I told them.

Natsu and Erza both began and threw the spear. "This is bad," Gray said concerned, "What are they thinking?" Lucy said slightly scared. Their reaction will be funny, I can tell. The spear flew at an unimaginable speed towards the Moon. When the spear actually looked like it had shattered the Moon Lucy and Gray both got wide-eyed and I fell to the ground laughing at their reaction until I was finally able to compose myself.


Natsu: What the heck is going on?

Erza: As a result of the spell, a noxious membrane was covering the island

Natsu: A what?

Y/n: The Moon Drip released evil energy in the form of a gas

Erza: That gas crystallized, and formed an invisible shell in the sky that covered the island

Y/n: That's why the moon looked purple here

Erza: Now that the shell has been broken everything will go back to the way it was 3 years ago

Gray: whats wrong? Theyre not transforming

Happy: oh no

Y/n: That's because these are their true forms. The mon drip never had any affect of their appearance but it looks like it affected their memory.

Lucy: what do you mean?

Erza: They think their humans who have been transformed into demons but it's the other way around

Lucy: you're saying...they're really...

Erza: Yup you've got it

[All scream]

Erza: the villagers are all demons

Gray: hey is that true

Villager: Maybe my memory is pretty hazy, we all looked human when you met us no?

Erza: Yes, because you possess the ability to take on human forms. Your false memory led you to believe your temporary states were actually your true forms. In reality, you were demons who had fallen victim to the Moon Drips side effects

Lucy: but what about Lyon and the others

Y/n: it probably didn't affect them cause they're human. I mean as far as I can see the only ones affected were the demons. You should have all figured this out when they mentioned they couldn't set foot on the temple that is if you still wanna be S class.

*end monologue*

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