Chapter 22: Aftermath

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When it was all finally over, Lucy felt responsible for the state of the guild because her dad was the one that sent Phantom Lord. Master Makarov gave her one of his classic heartwarming speeches that brought Lucy to tears. She fell to her knees and Levy went to comfort her. Then the Master started crying too and of course Erza started frantically asking if he was okay. I walked over to Lucy and Levy. Natsu told me what Gajeel had done to her after I was taken.

"Lucy, Levy, I'm sorry," I interrupted them as Levy was still trying to get Lucy to calm down. "None of this would have happened if I hadn't let Gajeel go. If I had taken the fight seriously then he wouldn't have done those things to you," I looked at Levy, "or kidnapped you, twice, and beat you too," I looked at Lucy, I felt my cheeks get wet and my voice became hoarse.

"Hey, what's up with these tails," Gray said as he was poking one of my tails. I felt goosebumps. No one has ever touched my tails before! At least not while I was conscious. I immediately jumped away frantically and faced him. "Eek! Please don't do that," I was holding my hands out to stop him from walking towards me but then I felt something grabbing all of my tails.

"Oh wow, It's like a cloud!" I heard Natsu's voice behind me, "Aye," I heard Happy agree. I turned my head and both Natsu and Happy were cuddling with my tails. "Ahh! Get off!" I yelled at them. I feel violated! No one has ever done that to me before, it feels weird. When I felt my tails get warm, I started instinctively waving them around and managed to throw Natsu and Happy off.

"Woah, so many colors! Can I try them?" Natsu asked me as he got back up and rushed in front of me. "Huh? What are you talking about?" I asked him, confused. "The fire on your tails. Can I try them?" what? I turned and all my tails were on fire in this order; white, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and black. What! Now you appear? Where were you when I needed you years ago! When I turned back around the whole guild was staring at me. Well, at least I don't have to wonder if everyone saw because I know they did.

"What happened?" Erza asked me.

Well, now I have two options. Say Jose did something to me or tell the truth. I've been lying to all of them since the day I joined the guild and look where that got me. Besides, there's no turning back now, the seal has been broken and by the looks of things I won't be able to control my curse any time soon. Stupid teenage emotions. Guess i'll have to come clean, "I-" "She doesn't need to disclose her secrets if she doesn't feel comfortable doing so," a voice interrupted me.

I recognize that voice, it's Erza. "Besides we have more pressing matters to attend to," she gestured behind her and everyone glanced over, oh that's right the guild hall was destroyed in the fight.

In order to avoid a beating from Erza everyone decided that it would be best to start rebuilding the Guild Hall, so everyone started scattering to collect materials and tools.

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