Chapter 10: The Cursed Island

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I slowly opened my eyes to see I was in a dark cave. "what happened?" I asked no one in particular. "SHH," I was hushed. I looked over to the source of the hushing and saw Gray, Natsu, Lucy, and Happy looking over a rock. There were three people talking about some Cold Emperor. "How long have I been out for?" I asked. "Since yesterday," Lucy said. Wow, that must have been some boat ride. She caught me up on everything that was happening including the Deliora situation.

I looked over at a depressed Gray. I think I'll leave him be for now. Natsu fell asleep and I went to where he was. Damn idiot just plopped himself down on the ground. I fixed his body to a more comfortable position and I placed his head on my lap. Damn idiot. I thought to myself as I looked down at him.

Lucy took out her spirit and it started singing and just like that, I fell asleep.

*time skip*

"Is it night yet?" I woke up to Natsu's yelling. The ground was rumbling as I got up. A mysterious purple light started shining on Deliora. And we all went to investigate what it was.

As we approached the area Lucy's spirit told us what it was they were doing. Something called a Moon Drip Spell. I saw the same people from earlier approaching with some guy wearing a helmet. The people from earlier told the helmet dude about there being intruders and the helmet dude ordered that the village be destroyed.

Natsu blew our cover to protect the villagers but the guy didn't care. Of course, once Natsu sprung into action so did Gray. I left for the village to keep the villagers safe.

*time skip*

I got to the village and busted down the gate with an Ice Claw and all the villagers looked at me scared. I looked around and to my disbelief what the guys told me was true. The villagers all look like monsters. "We have to evacuate the village, there are people coming to attack," I looked around but no one was listening. "Why should we listen to you? You just broke our gate down," one of the villagers asked me, "Hey isn't that the girl that was with those Fairy Tail guys? The one that was passed out? Yeah, that's the one," the villagers began talking amongst themselves.

"Yup, that's the one. I am the squad leader of the Fairy Tail team out here and what I say goes!" I announced hoping they would start evacuating. "Some squad leader, she was out cold the whole time she was here," low blow, "Shut up, I have a condition!" I yelled at him.

"Hey! We need to evacuate the village!" Lucy came flying in with Happy. The villagers instantly started packing. Oh, so they won't listen to me but they'll listen to Lucy?

As Lucy was setting up her obvious hole trap, Natsu arrived at the village. He was encased in a huge ball of ice and he was carrying Gray. Of course, Natsu fell right into the trap and now we have to help them out and set it up again.

After we helped Natsu up I ate the ice that was encasing his body. It tasted weirdly familiar. As we finished setting up the trap a giant rat came flying above the village holding a bucket of something. A substance from the bucket fell and was about to fall on Lucy but Natsu pushed her out of the way. The goo, turns out, is acidic. The rat then threw the whole bucket all over the village.

"Everyone get to the center of the village!" Natsu yelled and I helped the villagers get to the center of the village. He used his brilliant flame to disperse the acid avoiding the center of the village. Unfortunately, the rest of the village is toast.

A dog, a pink-haired woman, and a big eyebrow dude approached us. In the middle of the commotion Gray got up but Natsu punched him back to sleep. That's probably for the best, in this condition he would only slow us down.

"I'll take Gray and set up camp elsewhere with the villagers, I entrust those guys to you two. They don't seem like too much trouble," I told Lucy and Natsu as the villagers took Gray and I headed out to find somewhere to set up camp.

I finished healing Gray and one fo the villagers came into the medical tent. "Excuse me, the other girls from your guild have arrived," he told me. Girls? Isn't Lucy the only other one? I followed him out of the tent, "I think your confused th-..." and as soon as I saw red hair I stopped right in my tracks.

I tried making a run for it as fast as I could but she caught me and tied me up before I could make it too far. 

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