Chapter 5: Erza's Influence

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*Y/n POV*

I woke up when I felt a strong jolt from the train. I opened my eyes and saw Natsu about to fight some dude wearing white. As Natsu was about to attack, the black-haired dude used shadow magic to block. When the dust from the attack dissipated, I noticed there was also a weirdly shaped flute on the ground. Maybe this is the one Erza told me about. I mean it looks creepy enough. I definitely wouldn't wanna listen to someone play that thing.

"Attention all passengers, Our emergency stop was a false alarm. We'll be departing again shortly," oh crap. "Oh, crap, I gotta go," Natsu and I said in unison as I jumped down and he grabs his stuff. "Y/n? You're still on here?" he asked me confused. "Yeah you know I'm a heavy sleeper," I replied to him.

"Hold it right there. There are two fairy brats now? Well, I'm not letting any of you get away that easy, your messing with Eisenwald now," yup that confirms my suspicions. He definitely has something to do with Lullaby, which means the flute is the weapon.

The train started moving and both Natsu and I gagged. No, I'm not suffering again. I think Natsu thought the same thing as we both jumped from the train window. As I jumped out, I saw Gray? Oh crap. I collided with Grays's head and Natsu collided with me. We all ended up sprawled on the ground.

"Are you guys okay?" Erza asked us. "Aye," was the only thing Natsu could say. We all got up and Gray immediately started fighting Natsu for bumping into him even though it was me, and of course, Natsu is going along with it.

"How come you guys left us on the train?" Seriously! "Seriously! We could have died you know. The dude from Eisenwald was on the train and I think he had the flute that plays Lullaby. It was all creepy looking with a skull and three eyes, anyway Natsu was fighting him as I woke up in the overhead compartment but then the train was about to move so I jumped out the window," after I finished explaining everything Erza slapped Natsu. Ehh... what? She started scolding him for letting the Eisenwald dude get away. "She already forgot she knocked him out didn't she," I heard Lucy say. Of course, she did, she probably considered it mercy.

After Erza finished yelling at Natsu we all began discussing Lullaby. Lucy told us her death magic theory which is probably true. It's the best bet we have going on now. We got on the death contraption and began our journey. But Erza is going way too fast I just knocked out.

*time skip*

When I came back into consciousness, we were in the middle of some building surrounded by people. By the looks on their face, they're the enemy. Natsu and Gray just left and two Eisenwald people went after them. Erza wants us to fight the rest of the guild. Oh great, now I have to fight or Erza will do that to me again.

"Two girls against an Entire Guild?" I got up and started stretching. "No three," I said as I finished my stretches and walked over to them. "Glad to see you're participating," Erza said knowing very well what she will do to me if I don't. The Eisenwald people started talking smack but I didn't pay attention. Lucy on the other hand started daydreaming.

Erza got out her sword and started taking people out. She turned it into a spear and then took more people out. Happy started explaining Erza's magic. Oh yeah, Lucy hasn't seen her magic before. Well, I guess it's time for me to get to work.

I jumped up into the air and used my Ice Dragon Slayer roar across the guild to take out a good amount. When I landed, I took out my Katana and I got into fighting position. "Wait, is that?" one of the Eisenwald's dude said. I launched forward and took out 10 people in one swing. "No, I'm sure of it! That's the White Fang of Fairy Tail!" the same Eisenwald dude said. "Haha, so you've heard of me, then I suggest you start talking," I said menacingly swinging my Katana around. "I'm not scared of some chick!" some dude stated, charging towards me. Right as he approached me, I grabbed his face with my hand. "Ice Dragon: Grip Strike!" I made the guy an ice statue. I added more of my magical energy and the ice shattered. "Anyone else?" I looked around. "No ma'am," they all said as they sat in front of me and bowed. "Good, now you're gonna tell me everything you know, or else you're gonna end up like your friend over there," I pointed to the shattered ice on the floor. They told me their plan to kill all of the guild masters. Oh, crap I have to tell the others. Right as I was about to knock them all out Erza used her 100 swords dance to finish off everyone else left. Great, she's using too much magical energy.

I ran over to Erza just as Lucy was running following some guy. She fell on her knee. "Are you okay Erza?" I helped her up. "Gray was right. I overdid it on the magic-mobile," she confessed. "Yeah I figured when the speed of the car made me sleep deep enough for you guys to have hauled me to wherever we are, I got some information by the way," I updated her on the information I got.

We evacuated everyone out of the area, but when we turned around the wind barrier was already up. "I've always wanted to fight the Queen of the Fairies and the White Fang of Fairy Tail, unfortunately, I don't have time to play with you right now," we turned around and saw Erigore but before we knew it he had transported us into the barrier trapping us inside. Erza began to argue with him but I stopped her.

"C'mon, we're wasting time, there is nothing else we can do right now but find a wizard to break the barrier," I told Erza as she tried breaking the barrier by force but failed. She ran into the building and started interrogating an Eisenwald dude. He gave up someone named Kage, I think that's the same guy that was on the train. Gray bumped into us, so all three of us ran around the building trying to look for Kage.

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