Chapter14: Lisanna

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"You guys really switched body's?" I asked while laughing at Natsu, Lucy, and Happy. "That's not funny! I have a novel to write you know, and this stupid fishing trip isn't helping. Why'd you have to drag me along with you," Lucy said, complaining. "I wouldn't complain, you got off easy. The Master could have done that to you," I teased her using a creepy/scary voice.

Natsu and Happy both cringed at the thought which sent Lucy into a spiral too.

"C'mon you guys, I was just making jokes. Hey, I know something that will cheer you up," I crawled over to the edge of the lake and paid close attention to the fish. They all leaned in, in curiosity. When I saw a whopper I slowly reached forwards to touch the water. As soon as my hand made contact with the water I froze a line of water that connected straight with the fish and froze it as well.

I reached in, grabbed the icicle, and pulled it out of the water. It looked like a fish popsicle.

"Here you go," I said, handing it to Natsu and Happy, "Don't worry, I made it so your fire can burn this ice," I added. "No way!" Happy yelled out of joy because I just gave them a huge fish.

Sure enough the second I handed the fishsicle to Natsu it started melting. Before I knew it, Natsu had already cooked it, but Happy wasn't too pleased with that. They got in a fight, Natsu ate the whole fish and Happy stormed off.

"You gonna follow him?" Lucy asked Natsu but he just huffed in response. "Oh give me a break. Keep up that tough guy act and you'll never get the girls to like you," Lucy said. Suddenly, I felt a pang in my chest and the image of a little girl popped in my head. My thoughts were interrupted by Lucy. "Alright that's the spirit, go apologize-" she was interrupted by Natsu who had a mean look on his face, "Just shut your mouth for once," he grimaced at her and walked away. Lucy held plue tightly. "What was that about? Scary," she said.

"I'm sorry Lucy. He didn't mean that. Why don't you head back to the guild and I'll go talk to him," I hugged Lucy in an attempt to comfort her and then left to follow Natsu?

*time skip*

I've been walking in the woods for a couple of minutes but I can't seem to find the pink-haired fireball. This is weird because usually, he's really hard to miss. I guess it's really getting to him this year.

While I was on the path I noticed Natsu's house. Of course, why didn't I think of that? Thanks, fate!

I walked up to the door and used my dragon slayer hearing to hear if there was anyone inside. I heard shuffling and breathing, the breaths are too long to be Happy's so that means its either Natsu or an intruder. Either way, I'm probably gonna be in for a fight.

I twisted the doorknob but it was locked so i knocked... no answer. I knocked again... no answer. "I know you're in there!" i yelled but still no answer. "Fine you have three seconds before i bust this door down!" i yelled out. "one..." I got ready to punch the door in, "two..." i pulled my arm, "one..." the door opened... but it was too late i had already swung and it was too late to stop. Before my hand made impact i managed to see Natsu's face.

He was crying.

My fist made contact with Natsu's face and I sent him flying. Luckily because the state of the house was so poor he landed on a pile of clothes, too bad that it didn't soften the blow because he's still knocked out.

I felt bad so i picked him up and was about to place him on the bed when i noticed it also had a pile of clothes on it. I let the dweeb fall back onto the pile he was on earlier and walked back over to the bed. I shoved everything on the bed on the floor, including the sheets. He probably hasn't washed in ages. I went to go pick him up and placed him on the bed.

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