Chapter 8: Lullaby

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When we arrived, we found Master Bob, the master of the Blue Pegasus guild, and Master Goldmine, the master of Cuatro Cerberus. Master Bob was holding both Gray and Natsu in a headlock and Master Goldmine was trying to enjoy the 'show.' The 'show' being Master Makarov and Kage. Master Makarov gave Kage a convincing heartfelt speech. So convincing in fact Kage gave in to Master Makarov but the Lullaby flute then came to life. Apparently, it's a demon from the book of Zeref, I should have recognized the thing considering.

 It turned into a giant monster flute and got ready to attack Clover with its deathly song.

The guild masters didn't wanna lift a finger so they entrusted Team Natsu, of course. Now I have to work! The one thing I was hoping not to do. Stupid Gray and his giant ice block. Anyway, we all hit it with a ton of spells but the demon will not die! Well, I guess it wouldn't be much of a demon if it went down easily. I hit it with an Ice Wing attack and a Frozen Shower which is basically just hitting it with a ton of sharp icicles. That's about i-...BAM! Ah crap, I'm hit.

"Stop zoning out!" Erza yelled at me as Lullaby was able to knock me into the mountain. I looked around and everyone had pretty gotten in some pretty good hits, enough to cause it to not play its death music from the damage we caused. "Damn demon, why don't you just chill out!" I yelled at it. I only have a minimal amount of magic left so I can't use any of my secret arts and we have to finish this quickly because I won't be able to last much longer.

I jumped from where I was onto Lullaby and ran up its arm. "What's this? Do I know you?" it asked me. Crap, now I really gotta end this quick. I extended both my arms to the side. "Ice Dragon, Ice Chains," I grabbed my Ice Chains from both of my hands. I whipped them around Lullaby as I looped around its body, I pulled at the chains to tighten them. Lullaby was incapacitated and fell on the floor in a sitting position with me on top of its head.

"Hit it with everything you've got!" I yelled out as I made my way back to where the Masters and Lucy was. "What do you think we've been doing!" everyone yelled at me in unison. "Eehh? We are Fairy Tail I know damn well we can do way better than that! Let's all show them why we're the number one guild!" that should get a certain someone amped up and I was right. We all gave it our final blow and destroyed the thing. Though I think we might have gone too far because now there is a giant hole in Clover.


Natsu, Gray, and Erza rendezvoused with us and we headed back to the guild.

"Hey, did I hear Lullaby say it knew you when we were fighting?" Lucy asked me. "Huh? What? No, no, no. I've never seen that thing in my life. Its thousands of years old you know, I think it was just confused," I dismissed the subject. I can't let anyone know.

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