Episode 30: NILSSON'S POV

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I walked down the stairs slowly 'cause I had bandage wrapped around my waist, my right wrist and my left knee. Every step I take sends wave of pain through my body, although the pain was not as much as last night. Thanks to Uncle Simon, the family doctor.
      He was surprised I got so much injury from a fight, even more surprised on knowing that I won the match.
     I could hear someone on the kitchen, I just walked straight to the fridge and grabbed my milk.

  "Lian, is that you?" I called out.

  "Lian has gone out some minutes ago, said he needs to rush somewhere."  Geoff said walking out of the kitchen.

That's unlike him. Waking early to get somewhere. Where could he ---- ROLAND!!!

  "Did he--" I was cut short by Geoff.

"Don't worry. He didn't go to Roland, he'll be back soon." Geoff assured, laughing.

I grab a seat and poured some milk into the cup.

"How's the pain now?" Geoff asked.

"Fair enough." I replied and drank from the cup. "At least I can walk on my own."

"Yeah that's fair enough." Geoff replied.

I gulp down the milk in the cup and got on my feet.

"You know, I think I should take a walk." I said, walking to door.

"You know, I think you should rest." Geoff replied putting his arm across his chest.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I said to him and walked out of the house.
      I stood outside the door for a while before  I began my walk in the compound. A very big compound, surrounded with beauty of nature. My parent really loved'em.
      After about five minutes walk, I arrived at my favorite place. The water side in the compound. I just Soo much love the feeling of being here.I close my eyes and the cool breeze from South rushes through my body. It's so amazing.
       I can't even think of anything now, anything except.... except.... Elva. She's always been in my head.
      My eyes are still close and I can see her beautiful face, her beautiful smile. She's so different from any other girl, it's just my first night with her was..

    "Hi Nils." I heard a voice. It was. Elva's. That sounded too real, was I imagining that too.

   "It's really nice here, isn't it?" I said with my eyes still closed. She's not here anyways.

   "Of course, it is amazing." The voice replied again, this time I can here leaves on the floor rustling and the sound keeps getting closer. I turned around with the speed of light to see who it was.
    "Elva?" I said in shock.
   She smiled, hastened her step and hugs me. Wow. It really is Elva. I can feel her soft skin on my bare chest.

    " I'm glad you're okay." She said.

   "How -- How did you get here?" I asked still surprised how she got here.

   " Lian brought me . I asked him to come pick me up this morning." She replied. "How's the pain?"

  "Not as bad as last night." I answered and gave her an assuring smile.

"C'mon, come sit here." I gestured towards a carved big rock.

"Thanks, did you carve this?" She asked.

"Nope, my dad did." I answered and the only  thing I could hear were birds chirping.


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